BBC Hairy Bikers fans defend Si King over backlash and say 'sadly'

Hairy Bikers fans have rushed to defend Si King after a backlash to his recent picture - saying: "Sadly". The BBC and ITV chef was seen at Malvern Spring Festival, a Royal Horticultural Society event, last weekend as fans rushed to support him.

Si - who lost best mate and one-half of the Hairy Biker duo Dave Myers to cancer back in February - wrote: "Great day at the RHS Malvern Spring Festival. Thank you to all who popped in to see me." He added three love hearts as he signed off with: "Si x."

In response, a fan typed: "I thought you said you could never be there without Dave." But defending Si, a fan said: "@gillianhunt65 But sadly life does go on and Dave must be so proud of him , grieving is a such difficult process."

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"@gillianhunt65 Si is just trying to carryon and earn his living. Well done to him as must be very difficult. Tough losing a friend, let alone having to carry on with your career when that friend was a major part," another wrote in reply to the post.

"Really enjoyed listening to you at the show yesterday, so much fun, thank you x," another said. June typed: "Well done Si it must have been so difficult without Dave but you're doing it for two ! Dave would have been so proud."

Liz said: "Aw, wish I could have been there to see you. Bet it was fab though." Em said: "You were FABULOUS Dave would definitely be looking down smiling." Wild said: "We spy our Rhubarb Rum! That mojito looked delicious. Thank you @marcusbeanchef @hairybikers and @mark_diacono for supporting."

Lynn said: "So glad you had a good day, I really wanted to come and see the Festival and your cooking theatre but i didn’t I had to make inroads into my own garden." Tina said: "If we had gone today as planned and I met up with you Si I would have given you a big hug for Dave."

Feeney said: "You were an absolute star. We all laughed with you and our hearts hurt for you too. Marcus was a fab foil for you too. So hard when your shadow is not there. Thanks for the hug after the show too. We love you si."