BBC must call Hamas ‘terrorists’, Lord Cameron demands

David Cameron and Laura Kuenssberg sit opposite each other in front of a colourful backdrop, with Cameron gesturing emphatically and Kuenssberg holding a pen
Lord Cameron appeared on the BBC's Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg - Jeff Overs/Getty

The BBC must call Hamas “terrorists” Lord Cameron has urged after the Palestinian group claimed a British-Israeli hostage had died.

The Foreign Secretary said the BBC should “ask itself again” about how it labelled Hamas following the Oct 7 attack on Israel in which more than 1,100 people died.

Lord Cameron was speaking after Hamas released a video showing Nadav Popplewell, a British-Israeli hostage, who the group claimed had died in Gaza after being wounded in an Israeli air strike a month ago.

The Foreign Secretary told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme that it was “callous” of Hamas to release the video, and thus “play with the family’s emotions in that way”.

But he noted: “Maybe it’s a moment actually for the BBC to ask itself again, shall we describe these people as terrorists? They are terrorists.”

Mr Popplewell, 51, was captured with his mother from her home in Kibbutz Nirim when Hamas launched their deadly attacks in Israel.

The group released undated footage on Saturday of Mr Popplewell with a black eye confirming his name. Just hours later, a second video was posted in which they said he died of wounds sustained in an Israeli missile strike in Gaza.

‘Terrible, dreadful, inhuman people’

Lord Cameron said the Foreign Office was currently “trying to work out what has happened” to Mr Popplewell as he declined to give an update on Hamas’s claims.

He said: “Like everyone else, I watched the video on Twitter, X, last night, put out by Hamas of Nadav answering a question as to who he was. And I watched that video and you just think, what callous people they are to do that, to play with the family’s emotions in that way.

“I met Nadav’s family, his sister, and I know the heartbreak they’ve been going through for over 200 days, and when you see what Hamas are prepared to do, you just realise the terrible, dreadful, inhuman people, frankly, that we are dealing with.”

The Government defines Hamas as a “single terrorist organisation” but the BBC has continually referred to it as a “militant” group, describing the invasion as a “militant” attack.

A succession of Tory politicians up to Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, have urged the BBC to change its stance but Lord Cameron has, to date, not entered the argument.

At the start of the conflict, Mr Sunak said: “This is not a time for equivocation, we should call it out for what it is.”

BBC defends its stance

A BBC spokesman said: “No one consuming BBC News can be left unaware of the horrific nature of Hamas’ acts.

“We’ve made our long-standing position on this matter very clear – we use the word terrorist when it is attributed to others, such as the UK Government.”

John Simpson, the BBC’s world affairs editor, previously said: “We don’t take sides. We don’t use loaded words like ‘evil’ or ‘cowardly’. We don’t talk about ‘terrorists’.

“It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.”

Andrew Mitchell, the Deputy Foreign Secretary, condemned the release of the video as “barbaric”.

“My heart goes out to the family at this extraordinary time with the barbarism of these appalling terrorists who have treated the family in such a cynical, cruel and heartless way,” he told GB News.

“We must wait for further information to become available but what an appalling, dreadful experience for his poor family to have to suffer at the hands of this absolutely dreadful terrorist organisation.”

It came as Lord Cameron said it would be wrong for Israel to carry out an offensive on the Gazan city of Rafah “without a plan to protect people.”