BBC star quits after 35 years with broadcaster and says 'time for a change'

A BBC News star says he has quit after 35 years at the broadcaster and his final show is just weeks away. Mark Urban has worked as a Middle East correspondent as well as on Newsnight for the BBC but has stepped away.

The presenter told his fans it was 'time for a change'. Alongside two siren emoji icons he wrote: "Personal news. I’ll be leaving the BBC at the end of May. Newsnight in its current format will end then, so most posts will go. I decided not to apply for other BBC jobs.

"Working there for 35 yrs has been life defining: an eyewitness to history collaborating with such brilliant colleagues. But it’s time for a change." In reply, a Twitter/X user wrote: "Really valued your insights on Newsnight. Hope we will see you on another platform soon."

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"Newsnight in its current format will end then, so most posts will go," another said. Another put: "Thank you for your exceptional wisdom, insight and knowledge. We learned so much from you Mark!" And another typed: "Very sad what’s happening to Newsnight."

Another said: "Can't bring myself to 'like' that news. My TV licence expires in June, and I don't think I'll be renewing it." Urban joined the BBC in 1983 as an assistant producer, working on several BBC news programmes. From 1986 to 1990 he was the defence correspondent of The Independent, before rejoining the BBC as a general reporter on Newsnight.

Another said: "Mark you’ve been an inspiration to me for as long as I can remember. Your depth of knowledge and analysis are unsurpassed. You’re a true journalistic legend .. Will miss sitting alongside you."

"Sad to see you go but I completely understand the decision. You are a superb and insightful broadcaster and the BBC have been fortunate to have you. Good luck for the future," wrote another. "A huge loss for the BBC. It was a pleasure to work with you Mark. I learned a lot during my formative years! Best wishes for whatever comes next," Matt said.