Bear Breaks Into Colorado Home, Eats Pork Chops, and Leaves

A bear broke into a Colorado home and helped itself to the owner’s pork chops and pantry snacks, according to local news reports.

Heidi Hannah told Storyful she recorded this video as the bear broke into and then out of her neighbor’s Steamboat Springs home on June 14. Local news outlet KDVR, reported that the bear entered through a window downstairs, and made it to the master bedroom where it somehow became locked inside. The bear can be seen dangling from the second story window as it attempted to escape.

The owner of the home, Ryan MacFarlane, told the KDVR the bear ripped a window out to let itself in, then helped itself to pork chops he had left out for dinner, and knocked over some plants. The bear was eventually able to leave the home through the same window it used to enter the home.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife urges residents to ‘be bear aware,’ warning that as bears continue to share space with a “growing human population” they will explore all possible food sources, and they will “work hard to get the calories they need, and can easily damage property, vehicles, and homes.” Credit: Heidi Hannah via Storyful

Video transcript

- They said it's almost out.

- I might run inside, is that OK?

- Yeah.

- Right when he comes out I'll run in the garage. Touch base for him to shoot me in so he has to clear a way out.


- Look, yeah, the house.


- Oh, my God. Me neither. It's OK. He doesn't-- oh, boy.

- Oh, he's going to poop.

- It's OK. Do you want to just hold my hand?

- Yeah. When he falls down, I'm getting [INAUDIBLE].

- He's going to go back in.

[GASP] No.

- I'm surprised they don't shoot it right now. Like, with the a dart. I know they should be in our yard.

- Oh.

- What's that?

- Oh, they went inside. Mom, the people went inside.


[GASP] Oh, no. Oh my God.

- People are going to be dead. Dead.


- Oh, Danica has to come over here.



- Marshall [INAUDIBLE].


- He's pretty strong. Look at him hang from his fingers.


- Oh yeah. He's a-- he's a baby.


I might Get ready to run.



Like, um no, I'm getting back up. Yeah.



Mom, look at their shade windows.

- You can come in my yard if you need to.

- Which window is it?


- You have the best view here.


- We do.

- It's so funny, just watching it.


- There's a bear!


- Go tell Amanda.

- I have [INAUDIBLE].

- Amanda!


- Let's try to get a ladder.


- Sorry.

- Hey, Eva, watch out.

- Go inside, Eva. Eva, go inside.