Beautiful boy Harrison Palmer, 12, died after being hit by truck

A picture of Harrison Palmer, aged 12, who was killed in a crash on Monday (March 13). He is holding both thumbs up and smiling at the camera
Harrison Palmer, from Camborne, was sadly killed in a collision on Monday (March 13) -Credit:Devon and Cornwall Police

In a tragic incident in Cornwall, schoolboy Harrison Palmer lost his life as he dashed across the road while out with friends after their football practice was cancelled. The 12-year-old boy described by loved ones as "our beautiful boy", did not stop at the central reservation at Pool like his companions and was tragically hit by a pick-up truck.

The driver of the Ford Iveco flatbed truck, Kelvin Fulcher, 68, was apprehended at the incident site although no further action was taken against him. The coroner's court hearing in Truro suggested that young Harrison may have tripped and continued running past the central reservation, thereby coming under the truck in the opposite lane.

Mr Fulcher, a builder, attested to driving at a speed of 26 mph along the 30 mph road when the incident occurred. He recalled being aware of the four children heading towards the central reservation but then felt a thud as he advanced past and subsequently stopped.

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Speaking at the hearing, he said: "I don't know if he has fallen or tripped, I presume he must have tripped. I have gone past and heard a thud, it was not a very nice feeling."

Following the unfortunate incident, Mr Fulcher tested negative for alcohol and drugs and had not been using his mobile phone while driving. While his truck did have minor defects, they were deemed not to have contributed in any way to the accident.

The inquest heard Harrison Palmer, 12, had been crossing the A3047 Agar Road in Pool, near Redruth, when he was struck by the vehicle. Witnesses said they believed the boys had been sprinting at the time, with three of the children stopping in the central refuge.

However, Harrison continued without looking or was going too quickly to stop halfway across the road. Senior Cornwall coroner Andrew Cox said the lorry driver had no chance to avoid the collision and Harrison suffered multiple unsurvivable injuries.

Harrison's mother Natalie Buckland said: "He was always so cautious crossing roads, stopping and checking multiple times, not crossing if a vehicle was in sight even in the distance. I guess that makes it harder to comprehend.

"Our beautiful boy has gone and his death has hugely impacted the lives of everyone who knew and loved him. Every aspect of our lives have been impacted and upturned. Our hearts will always be broken and we are all so very lost without him."

She said Harrison was "full of energy, running, climbing - our little whirlwind". She said he was a keen footballer who loved being outdoors who was "loud, hilariously funny and quick-witted".

Harrison's family said his death has affected his school, friends, the truck driver, the emergency services and those who helped at the scene and they wanted to praise the "incredible work that our emergency services do".

The coroner recorded a conclusion of a road traffic collision. At the time Harrison's "heartbroken" family paid tribute to "our beautiful boy". A fundraiser set up to provide him with the best send-off possible raised over £9,000.