Honeybee Wiggles Stinger From Keeper's Hand, Avoids Inevitable Death

Video from a beekeeper in St Petersburg, Florida, shows a honeybee appearing to reconsider stinging the apiarist, wiggling around to dislodge its stinger from the keeper’s hand, and avoiding the inevitable death that would have followed.

Beekeeper Elisha Bixler, who runs an online honey store, explained to Storyful that when a honeybee stings, its venom and stinger are released into the skin but their intestines are ripped out too, leaving them to die.

“You can see how she moves in a circular motion to dislodge her stinger. Once she is free, she is able to fly away unharmed,” Bixler said. “This has happened to me many times, but I did not have my camera handy,” she added. Credit: Elisha Bixler via Storyful

Video transcript


She's trying so hard to get her stinger out. Oh, that'll make a great video. She got it out! It was terrible.


She's trying so hard to get her stinger out. Oh, that'll make a great video. She got it out! It was terrible.