Beer drinkers set to be hit by pint 'ban' in UK pubs after July

Beer drinkers are desperate for foamy head pints to be banned by a new government after the Labour Party and Conservative Party go to the polls on July 4. Industry guidance says the measure of beer served with a foamy head must include a minimum of 95 per cent liquid.

The Campaign for Real Ale said it wants whoever wins the election on July 4 to introduce a legal right for pubgoers to receive a 100 per cent liquid pint every time they are served. CAMRA director of real ale, cider and perry campaigning Gillian Hough said: "This latest study is another worrying indication of an issue that has been affecting consumers for a number of years now and this should hopefully prove a catalyst for change."

She added: "We need to give people back that confidence to go to the pub. We want the next government a legal right for pubgoers to receive a 100% liquid pint every time they are served. We will be pursuing this as soon as the next government is in place."

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Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the BBPA, said: "Beer is carbonated and is typically sold with a foamy head although there is considerable difference between consumer preference for the head that different beers naturally produce.

"Customers who would like less of a head should always feel free to ask for a top up and should never be refused.” City of London warns on its website: "In an ideal world, all pubs would be required by law to use line measures, making it far easier to get a full pint of liquid.

"However, no such legislation currently exists and pubs can legally use brim measures." It added: "One of the problems with using a brim measure for the sale of beer is that it is virtually impossible to get a full pint of liquid due to the frothy head that is formed when the beer is dispensed into a glass."