Belfast woman on vital assistance dog support during Long Covid journey

A Belfast woman has opened up on how her assistance dog has helped support her during her Long Covid diagnosis.

Eden Byrne, 20, said she felt isolated after being diagnosed with the condition in March 2022, which impacted her physical and mental health. Her brother, who has autism, was provided with an emotional support black Labrador named Tilly who began to "take a shining" to Eden during her diagnosis.

The 12-year-old assistance dog was trained with Assistance Dogs NI for a year and a half and is a trained autism and diabetic assistance dog.

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Due to being unwell, Eden, who is a social activist who does a lot of youth voice and charity work, isn't able to work or study full-time so she volunteers in her community and with national charities. She said she couldn't have made it through the past two years without Tilly's support.

Eden said: "My brother has autism and she [Tilly] was trying to release him but actually, she took a shining for me, especially during the last two years. I was diagnosed with long COVID in March 2022 and this has had a significant impact on my mental health and also physical health.

"I’ve felt really isolated. I honestly couldn’t have gotten through the last two years without Tilly. She has kept me company during the really hard days when I was feeling really alone.

"She always calms me down when I’m upset and get really overwhelmed. I can actually sense when somebody is stressed on the phone.

"When I’m lying down and really tired on the sofa, she comes over immediately to check that I’m okay and due to my condition, I’ve been waking up really early in the mornings. She always keeps me company and provides me with that reassurance and support in the morning when I feel like I’m really alone and things are really really difficult for me.”

As for what she thinks makes dogs perfect emotional support animals, Eden said it's their loyalty. She said: "Tilly Went through training with Assistance Dogs NI for around 1.5 years before she came to live with us. It focused on signs of distress and also road safety.

"I think what makes dogs great support animals is that they’re very loyal and always there for you if you ever need cheering up! Tilly helps me with my mental health as she comforts me and reassures me when I’m feeling stressed or upset and she also keeps me company when I’m feeling isolated and energetic and crazy so always gives me a laugh."

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