Belle Vale DJ Basso on his hopes, dreams and inspirations

Liverpool DJ and producer Baso aka John Bassnett
-Credit: (Image: Reach PLC)

At the age of just 21 Liverpool DJ, producer, promoter and label owner Basso has supported Pawsa and had a Beatport hit. Clubs editor Emma Johnson caught up with him ahead of his city centre gig on Saturday.

For anyone unfamiliar with your work, who is Basso?

I am a 21-year-old artist from Belle Vale in Liverpool.

How would you describe the Basso sound?

I’d like to think my sound varies, from underground house to minimal deep tech, as I like to keep an open mind when producing or playing, depending on where I am, what time it is or what mood I’m in.

When did you start producing/DJing?

I started learning to produce at 17, getting some lessons from Kieran Waters (Kosher Music) as well Ben Jones who runs Before Records. I also taught myself through online tutorials and just experimenting - trial and error.

I’ve also been lucky enough to be in the studio with the likes of (fellow Liverpool producers) Tre Reynolds, Ali U, Eldon and other local artists, picking up different styles and putting them into my own craft. My older brother had a pair of decks. I can remember being about nine or 10 when I first started taking an interest in the music he would listen to.

I would have a little go on his decks but it was when I was around 16 that me and my friend Max Goodman would go to Pirate Studios learning how to play on the big decks which you would use in the clubs. I played my first set when I was 17, back to back with Max at a sit-down rave during lockdown.

How did you start getting your name out there and landing gigs?

I started an event when I was 17 with my brother’s mate Toby Williams who is now my manager/agent.

We would throw events that I would play at and also promote, as well as go to other events and festivals in the UK and beyond, showing support and networking with other promoters and artists.

Which artists influenced or inspired you?

I could name so many, but I’d say the main artists who first inspired me were Eldon and Joseph Edmund, who I was lucky enough to travel to Lost Beach Club in Ecuador with, where I had the pleasure of meeting the owner of the club and mixing with artists and promoters behind the scenes.

From Ecuador we went to Mexico to meet Richy Ahmed and get a taste of the lifestyle.

Other artists include Michael Bibi, Mason Collective and Marco Carola. And I can’t not mention Sosa who has taken the music game by storm over the last few years – a huge inspiration to not only me, but to so many young producers from Liverpool.

What has been your biggest booking to date?

I would have to say being booked for OFF SONAR Barcelona in June to play for Richy Ahmed’s label.

But in the UK, it would be supporting PAWSA at Grand Central for Binary in April last year.

Any big shows coming up you can tell us about?

I’m doing my first headline show in Manchester at a daytime party, before heading back into Liverpool to make my Arts Club debut for VIBE, where I will be supporting Luuk Van Dijk and Gaskin – two hot names in the scene right now.

I also have the club brand Where People Dance with my manager/agent Toby.

You recently released your first track, I understand it went well...

Yes, it was my first official release on (electronic music platform) Beatport, which was a huge milestone for me and a goal that we had been speaking about for so long. That was on my label Latido Records.

I am so happy it reached number one on the Beatport Hype Chart. The support I’ve received, both before the release and after, has been surreal and made all the hours spent locked in the studio worthwhile.

What’s next on that front, any more releases coming up?

Our next release on Latido is going to be a Summer Various Artists with some of our good friends as well as some new up-and-coming artists. I also have some releases coming up on other labels.

What is the dream for you, careerwise? What would success look like for you?

The dream is to be touring as much as possible around the world, with the biggest DJs on the biggest shows, whilst bringing my brand and friends along with me.

Success in my eyes is being able to enjoy life to the fullest, whilst earning a good enough living to be able to look after myself and my family with no worries.

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