Bemused viewers of BBC Countryfile ask 'is this Top Gear'?

Anita Rani driving a car and laughing as Matt Baker sits in the passenger seat reading from a phone
Anita Rani and Matt Baker found other drivers reviews of the area amusing -Credit:(Image: BBC)

BBC Countryfile viewers were left questioning "is this Top Gear?" as they criticised the programme for an 'idiotic and dangerous drive'. During the latest episode of the Sunday evening staple on BBC One, presenters Anita Rani and Matt Baker embarked on a journey through the Lake District that had fans drawing parallels with the car-centric show Top Gear.

The duo tackled the challenging Wrynose and Hardknott Passes, with Anita even accelerating and likening her vehicle to a Ferrari at one point. The segment, which featured them manoeuvring along the treacherous mountain roads, prompted viewers to express their concerns on X, previously known as Twitter.

@TonyCalder17 was puzzled, tweeting: "What's this, #countryfile does #topgear ? " (sic), while @NFGmart echoed the sentiment, posting: "Is this Topgear all of a sudden? #Countryfile." @ihnewman also noted the similarity, asking: "Is this #topgear or #countryfile," in their tweet.

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A lone car driving on a narrow country road
Countryfile saw the presenters take to the narrow roads of Wrynose and Hardknotts Passes -Credit:(Image: BBC)

However, it wasn't just the comparison that got people talking; some viewers were distinctly unimpressed by what they saw as the show's endorsement of a risky drive. @dapgray strongly commented: "#countryfile Promoting non essential driving over the Lake District passes!", reports the Express.

Anita, during a voiceover, told the audience: "This is one of the UK's most dramatic roads. And for some drivers, the mountain passes are less than lovable if the online reviews of Wrynose and Hardknotts are anything to go by."

The reviews varied wildly, with tales of passengers being ejected to conquer steep inclines, and one motorist's surprise descent to the base of a dwelling.

As Anita exclaimed, "Oh my god, I'm crying", her narration acknowledged the point of no return: "Too late to turn back now, for us the only way is up."

Yet, to shed light on the road troubles, they conversed with local heroes who aid beleaguered drivers, sharing sage advice.

The show consistently engaged with residents, confirming the perilous conditions. One even presented Anita with a Facebook group showcasing the vehicular plights encountered in the locale.

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