Best BCAA supplements: MyProtein, Innermost, MyVegan


Whether you’re a gym-goer, weight-lifter or body-builder and you’re looking to tone up, build muscle and get energised, a BCCA supplement may be just the ticket.

What are BCAAs?

We have 20 different amino acids in the human body and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) are a group of three essential ones – leucine, isoleucine and valine. Ruth Stone, PT, fitness expert and nutrition advisor at Sweatband, explains “these amino acids are metabolised by the body as a source of muscle energy. They are incredibly important to muscle development and are found in large quantities in muscle protein”. BCCA supplements come in powder or tablet/capsule form and can be used to increase the presence of these essential compounds.

What are the benefits of taking BCAA supplements?

There are several different benefits on taking BBCA supplements, but according to Stone “the most prominent benefit of BCAA supplementation is the promotion of muscle protein synthesis, particularly leucine, as it activates a specific pathway in the muscles that stimulates growth in the tissue.”

Other benefits include the following:

  • Increases energy

  • Encourages muscle growth and helps sustain it

  • Encourages muscle repair and recovery post-workout, reducing any soreness or unnecessary injuries

When should you take BCAA supplements?

You can take BCCA supplements before, during or after your workouts – depending on what you want to gain from them. Take pre or during your workout to amp up energy levels, give you that extra boost and prevent muscle fatigue, where as post-workout will encourage muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness. Each supplement should include guidelines and suggestions for use on its packaging so always read beforehand.

Shop our selection of the best BCAA supplements to have on your workout radar…

MyProtein Essential BCAA 2:1:1 Powder

MyProtein recommends adding two scoops (5g) of its Essential BCAA powder to 250-350ml of water or juice in a shake before, during or after exercise for optimum results.

Whether you’re looking to gain muscle, tone up, or lose weight, this is a convenient way to power up your training session and help build and repair new muscle in order to reach your fitness goals.

The 2:1:1 ratio blend of leucine, isoleucine and valine is available in more than 15 flavours, including grape, cola, berry burst and melon that go down a treat.

Buy now £24.99, MyProtein

Innermost The Energy Booster

Add Innermost’s sweet pineapple-flavoured powder to your shake pre-workout to amp up your fitnes routine. Formulated by nutritionists, the supplement is created using 16 ingredients to increase energy levels, stamina and encourage muscle development. This may just be the add-on that you are looking for to give you that added push to perform better during high-intensity workouts. Blended with the most important amino acids – BCAAs – the powder will aid muscle growth and repair.

Buy now £29.99, Selfridges

MyVegan BCAA Sustain Powder

Keep your body in check with this 100 per cent vegan BCCA powder, available in a selection of fruity flavours. Containing the three essential amino acids, it is ideal for pre-or post-workout, helping to build, repair and sustain muscle. It also contains magnesium and sodium to replenish what is lost through sweat during your training, and the natural plant extracts panax and astralagus root to leave you feeling refreshed. Add a couple of scoops to water and enjoy the fresh raspberry lemonade, orange or lemon and lime taste.

Buy now £15.99, MyVegan

Precision Engineered Branched Chain Amino Acids

This BCAA supplement comes in rapid-release capsule form so can be easily incorporated into your daily workout with instant results. As they are quickly absorbed, you should be able to notice their performance enhancing benefits near immediately. They are packed with the three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine and valine – plus vitamin E that adds to the energising and motivational feeling, while also encouraging muscle growth and repair.

Buy now £12.00, Holland & Barrett

Shreddy Cloudy Lemonade BCAA

Get pumped up for your workout with Shreddy’s essential 2:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine. This supplement was originally designed to accompany the online workouts on the legendary fitness app of the same name and the before and afters speak for themselves.

The BCCA powder has been created in order to help you keep up the momentum for longer. Simply mix the tasty cloudy lemonade supplement with water. It is 100 per cent vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free.

Buy now £12.00, Superdrug

ProteinWorks BCAA Extreme

Get the most out of your training thanks to ProteinWorks’ BCAA Extreme powder supplement. The leucine, isoleucine and valine amino acids have been blended with magnesium, calcium and vitamin C to help fight fatigue and keep you going strong during the most intense workouts. Available in five refreshing flavours - blue raspberry juice, cola pop, orange burst, watermelon breeze and unflavoured - to consume shaken up with water or juice.

Buy now £16.49, ProteinWorks

USN BCAA+ Power Punch Tangerine

Fuel your workout with the Power Punch amino acid blend, designed to be consumed during training for an added boost. With essential proteins to support your body, challenge yourself and increase performance levels, it should also play a part in reducing tiredness and increasing muscle growth and recovery. The zesty tangerine flavour contains zero sugar and zero carbs.

Buy now £28.00, Holland & Barrett

MyVitamins Essential BCAA Tablets

These tablets contain 3800mg of BCAAs per serving and are made to be ingested daily in order to maximise the results. The blend of amino acids will help build up new muscle, can boost lean mass, and increase performance and energy levels. The tablets are a convenient size and also include vitamin B6 for keeping your immune system in check.

Buy now £10.99, MyProtein

Applied Nutrition BCAA Powder

Looking for support to achieve your fitness goals? Make this supplement part of your pre-training routine to gain muscle and actually sustain them. Thanks to its amino acid composition, it will also aid recovery – mix with water and drink post-workout to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes lost during training. There are seven different flavours, ranging from watermelon to icy blue raz (the latter of which is suprisingly good!).

Buy now £17.98, Amazon

Optimum Nutrition BCAA Capsules

Power up with Optimum Nutrition’s pure blend of BCAAs that come in capsule form. Add to your morning routine to prepare for intense training sessions to increase strength and stamina, or post-workout to encourage muscle repair. Unflavoured and easy to swallow.

Buy now £28.76, Amazon