Have your say on the best place to get ice cream in Essex

Nominate your favourite place to get ice cream in Essex
Nominate your favourite place to get ice cream in Essex -Credit:Getty

As the days grow longer and the temperature makes little upward turns on the thermometer, your mercury may be rising for something sweet to cool you down. We at EssexLive would like to know who serves the best ice cream in Essex?

Ice cream doesn’t just bring back memories of summer and the corner shops, but for some you may prefer those really posh places with hand-cranked ice cream makers as the places to flock to. But either way it’s the treat of the season.

Are you a Mr Whippy person or a scooper with a flake in? However you take it there is a place in Essex for you. But which one?

Is it your local ice cream van, or perhaps a cafe down the road. Maybe your favourite is an actual ice cream shop where they specialise in unique but tasty flavours.

Whatever your favourite is, we want to hear about it. Fill in our survey below and we will print the results shortly. If the experience doesn't load then click here to nominate your favourite place.