Best place to store onions to keep them edible for six months - won't go mouldy or soft

white onions
-Credit: (Image: (Image: GETTY))

It might seem a good idea to store all fruits and veggies in the fridge, particularly when summer arrives and produce tends to mould faster due to higher temperatures. But keeping your onions stored in that chilly fridge could end up leaving them damp and mushy.

This is because fridges are cold and this coolness prompts onions to change their starch into sugar. Thus, onions over time can turn soft if kept in the fridge. So where should you stash those red, brown or white onions?

Look for somewhere dry, cool, dark and with good ventilation. With lots of us opting to put onions in kitchen cupboards, it's best to select cupboards away from heat sources like cookers or ovens, as they can affect temperature conditions and create humidity around the onions.

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The ideal spaces for your onions could be garages or cellars; when correctly stored here, your onions could last up to six months. Alongside making sure the location is dry, well-aired, and cool, avoid exposing onions to direct sunlight, as the heat from direct sunlight could cause mould growth, reports the Express.

After choosing the right spot for your onions, how they are stored matters too. If picked up from the supermarket in a plastic bag, get the onions out of this packaging.

Similarly, remove any plastic mesh if present. Shop Food Waste said: "Never keep these items in sealed plastic as it will quickly cause spoilage." With plastic bags trapping moisture, it could encourage moulding.

Experts suggest "keeping onions and garlic in a basket or paper bag where air can circulate" to extend their shelf life. Properly stored this way, "onions and garlic can last up to three to six months".

For those who prefer to contain their onions, using a net or mesh bag is ideal as it promotes better airflow and reduces moisture levels. Alternatively, a perforated basket or bin serves as an excellent storage container for onions.

In the absence of these containers, an old pair of tights can be repurposed for storing onions. Simply place the onions into one leg, tie a knot above each onion, and repeat until the leg is full. The same method applies to the other leg, creating a convenient hanging storage solution.

Onions preserved in this manner can remain edible for several months, potentially up to half a year under optimal conditions. However, regular inspection is advised to discard any that start to go bad.

It's crucial to store onions separately from other produce since they absorb moisture and have a strong odour that could affect nearby fruits and vegetables.

Note that not all onions are suitable for this storage method; spring onions should be refrigerated. Bunched varieties should be placed in an airtight container or bag and then into the fridge's crisper drawer to maintain freshness for longer.

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