Biden on impacts from Hurricane Ian: 'It's not just a crisis for Florida. This is an American crisis.'

Delivering remarks to give an update on the federal response to Hurricane Ian, President Biden offered support on behalf of all Americans to the people in Florida who have been affected by the massive storm. “We see what you’re going through and we’re with you,” the president said.

Video transcript

JOE BIDEN: It's not just a crisis for Florida. This is an American Crisis. We're all in this together. And I've spoken to Governor DeSantis on multiple occasions, as well as this morning, as well as mayors and county officials, both Republican and Democrat from the places most affected. And I spoke with Governor McMaster of South Carolina this morning as well.

Last night, I received a request for an emergency declaration from Governor McMaster, which I approved right away, just as I did for Florida. This allows for immediate federal funding for the state to shelter people and provide other essential support. By approving it early, ahead of the storm's landfall in South Carolina, we can get supplies in and provide shelter if necessary.

My message to the people of South Carolina is simple. Please listen to all the warnings and directions from local officials and follow their instructions. And as you all know, the situation in Florida is far more devastating.

We're just beginning to see the scale of that destruction. It's likely to rank among the worst of the nations-- the worst in the nation's history. You have all seen the scene on television homes and property wiped out. It's going to take months, years to rebuild, and our hearts go out to all those folks whose lives have been absolutely devastated by this storm.

America's heart is literally breaking just watching people watching on television. I just want the people of Florida to know we see what you're going through, and we're with you. We're going to do everything we can for you.

I say to the rest of Americans, just imagine yourself in that situation, water rising, walls collapsing, streets turned literally into rivers, charter boats on top of automobiles, watching the home and the community work you work so hard to establish literally washed away. And folks across the country are now waiting to hear from parents and grandparents who live in Florida, just hoping and praying they're OK.