Biden Tells Heckling Protester to 'Shush' During Speech in Arizona
President Joe Biden asked a heckling crowd member in Tempe, Arizona, to “shush up” during a speech announcing funding for the McCain National Library on Thursday, September 28.
Footage shows Biden being interrupted by a heckler about five minutes into his speech at the Tempe Center for the Arts.
“Hang on a second, " Biden says, “I’ll be happy to meet with you after I speak, okay?”
The protester continues, shouting “Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency?”
Biden responds: “I’ll tell you what, if you’ll shush up I’ll meet with you immediately after this, okay?”
He then continued his speech, garnering cheers after declaring: “Democracy never is easy… as we just demonstrated.”
Biden was in Arizona to announce a federal grant to the state of Arizona to help build a new McCain National Library at Arizona State University. Credit: White House via Storyful
Video transcript
JOE BIDEN: But it's not easy. It's not easy.
- [INAUDIBLE], Mr. President.
- No, no.
- --ask why you have yet to declare a climate emergency? Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency? Hundreds of Arizonans have died. Hundreds of Arizonans have died.
JOE BIDEN: Why don't you wait at-- hang on one second. Hang on a second. I'll be happy to meet with you after I speak, OK?
- --you have yet to promise no new drilling on fossil fuels. Why have you yet to declare a climate emergency?
- Not-- not practically, but actually.
- Sit down.
- We need your leadership. We need your leadership.
- [INAUDIBLE] down.
JOE BIDEN: Well, I tell you what. If you shush up, I'll meet with you immediately after this, OK?
But democracy never is easy, as we just demonstrated.
The cause-- the cause is worth giving our all for democracy makes all things possible.