Billionaire John Caudwell launches scathing attack on Rishi Sunak's 'epic failures'

John Caudwell has spent nearly 30 years restoring the mansion
John Caudwell -Credit:Discovery

Billionaire Tory donor John Caudwell has delivered a scathing critique of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, labelling his leadership as filled with 'epic failures'. Mr Caudwell, who grew up in Shelton and Bentilee, even suggested these shortcomings had significantly impacted the nation.

The business magnate, who has previously expressed his dread at the thought of a Labour government to the extent of considering relocating from Eccleshall to Monaco, has now directed his ire towards Mr Sunak, holding him responsible for the country's economic difficulties and stating that he would have been dismissed if he were part of the board of a UK Plc.

Mr Caudwell, aged 71 and boasting a net worth of around £2.5 billion, said: "The Conservatives do need to urgently acknowledge and address Sunak's epic failures. And let's be clear, the most disastrous of those have nothing to do with the Rwanda Bill, immigration or anything he has done since entering Number 10 in October 2022."

He further commented on the impact of Sunak's tenure: "It's the country that has been left counting the miserable cost of the Conservatives punt on his potential as leader of the party and, by default, PM. The seeds of Sunak's destruction and all of ours, sadly were sown when he [was Chancellor]. If I were on the board of UK Plc, Rishi would have been out of a job long ago."

READ:I grew up poor in Bentilee and can spot a gold-digger now I'm worth £1.5bn John Caudwell spent a largely unhappy 'street urchin' childhood in Shelton and Bentilee

READ: Inside John Caudwell's tough childhood and relationship with troubled dadStoke-on-Trent-born Phones4U billionaire Caudwell tells all in autobiography

This explosive revelation, shared with the Express, emerges as a significant blow to the Conservative Party just ahead of the local elections slated for May 2, potentially throwing the party leadership into disarray.

Next month, voters in England will head to the polls to elect over 2,600 councillors and 10 metro mayors in what is set to be the final local elections before the general election.

Both Labour and the Conservatives are set to defend nearly 1,000 seats each. The outcomes of these local elections are expected to be a significant indicator of what might unfold in the general election, which must take place by January 28 next year at the latest.

Four years prior, the Conservatives, led by Boris Johnson, were soaring in the opinion polls, with some commentators forecasting a decade of Conservative dominance. However, Labour currently enjoys a 20-point lead in the polls.

Mobile phone magnate and philanthropist Mr Caudwell said: "Timing-wise, you almost have to feel sorry for the man. Just five weeks after being elevated from junior minister to Chancellor of the Exchequer, the country shut down in the grip of a once-in-a-century global pandemic. However [Mr Sunak's] inexperience and poor judgment were almost immediately on display.

"Even before the first lockdown in March 2020, the then Chancellor announced the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme, with the Government guaranteeing 80% of bank loans of up to £5 million for small businesses.

"I had a 40-minute conversation with Rishi explaining why he had to increase the guarantee to 100% because even the 20% cover he set would be too much for most businesses to find."

-Credit:Getty Images
-Credit:Getty Images

Mr Caudwell added: "Days later, Sunak saw sense and introduced the Business Bounce Bank Loans with a 100% Government guarantee. But it was the incompetent bungling of the furlough scheme aka the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme that was truly unforgivable.

"I said from the beginning the Government had a responsibility to ensure no one business or individual was significantly worse off after lockdown than they were before it. So some kind of salary protection was necessary. However, many of the 11.7m Britons furloughed one in four workers actually ended up better off.

"The scheme was not only overly generous did everyone really need the Government to pay 80% of their pay cheques when they were sat at home with little to spend it on it was also overly rigid and at the same time overly lax."

He continued to express that because of the initial rule against partial furlough - that employers could not keep experienced employees working on a part-time basis - they had to make an "impossible choice between losing their staff 100% or keeping them on 100%" while mothballed workers could top-up their taxpayer-funded pay with second or third jobs.

The father-of-seven stated: "Fast-forward to late 2021 when the furlough scheme was eventually and far too late wound up and you can see what happened. Lockdown-liberated and cash-rich consumers eager to spend came up against businesses struggling to restock fast enough, with massive global supply chain issues as the whole world woke up simultaneously. This was a major driver of the huge inflation spike that followed. It was all entirely predictable.

"Two-and-a-half years later, any gains furloughed individuals may have enjoyed will seem like a distant memory after a cumulative 25% rise in inflation and a huge hike in interest rates, not to mention sneaky stealth taxes like freezing the income tax threshold which pushes scores of earners into higher tax bands.

Philanthropist John Caudwell -Credit:David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images
Philanthropist John Caudwell -Credit:David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

"And if you think you've got it bad, spare a thought for the three million taxpayers who fell through the cracks during the pandemic. They received no income support during lockdown in fact, they were frequently disparaged by Sunak - and are even worse off today.

"The Government burned through £70 billion on Sunak's overly generous, overly rigid, overly lax and unequally applied furlough scheme. Add to the estimated £16.9 billion lost to fraud across these schemes. What a staggering waste.

"Imagine if a chunk of that money had been wisely invested in infrastructure, industry, renewable energy and technology instead, as I urged Sunak again and again with my Caudwell Pandemic Recovery proposal. The opportunity cost is simply colossal, and we are all now paying the price."

Mr Caudwell, who rose from humble beginnings to become a billionaire entrepreneur, has criticised the government's financial decisions, lamenting the missed opportunities for investment in key sectors. Starting his career as an apprentice engineer at Michelin in Stoke, he later ventured into business, running a mail order company and a car showroom before making his fortune in the mobile phone industry.

He famously took on 26 cumbersome mobile handsets priced at £1,350 each, which took him eight months to sell at £2,000 each, eventually building and selling Phones 4u for £1.5 billion in 2006.

Mr Caudwell has been a significant figure in the UK's mobile phone market. As the head of Phones 4u, he not only created thousands of jobs but also spurred competition on the high street, making mobile phones more accessible to the average consumer.

Renowned as one of the wealthiest individuals on earth, he pours immense resources into real estate and philanthropy, pledging to donate 70 per cent of his wealth to charitable causes. These dominantly cater to underprivileged children.

John Caudwell, billionaire and founder of Phones4U -Credit:Luke MacGregor
John Caudwell, billionaire and founder of Phones4U -Credit:Luke MacGregor

He has beckoned others with colossal wealth like Tesla's Elon Musk, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, and investor Warren Buffett to join him in his cause to eliminate disease, confront child poverty, and mitigate climate change.

Expressing his views on the PM, he added: "As Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak has been either unable or unwilling to tackle Britain's real problems and the economic malaise he has caused. It still amazes me he got the job in the first place. In business terms, no failed CFO would ever have been rewarded by being promoted to CEO. If I were on the board of UK Plc, Rishi would have been out of a job long ago."

He firmly believes that, "With the right leadership and vision, we can turn the ship of the UK economy around. If this government fails to do so, I'll be lobbying the next one just as hard to finally do the right thing."

A Conservative Party spokesperson commented: "The Prime Minister has never shied away from taking the difficult decisions needed to tackle the long-term problems facing the country. Whether it's halving inflation, reallocating £36bn of HS2 funding to more transport projects across the country or his plan to deliver a sustainable transition to Net Zero, only Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives can be trusted to deliver what the country needs."

"It will be hard-working families that are crippled by higher taxes and bills because of Labour's unfunded £28bn spending spree."

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