The bin collectors opened people's black bags in Swansea and couldn't believe what they found inside

A council recycling team were shocked by what they found in people's black bags after surveys were completed around the city. Swansea Council has posted pictures on social media showing examples of how some are ignoring the rules surrounding recycling, or getting them wrong.

Among the examples refuse collectors have discovered are black bags full of plastic and food waste. All plastic should be placed in pink recycling bags, and food waste in food bins, according to the authority's rules. In other bags they found paper, tins and glass, all of which should be placed in green waste bags.

Recycling teams have now contacted the residents in question to "remind them of the requirement to recycle, and offer support". But they said that if this advice was ignored and recyclable items were still placed inside black bags in future, they could receive a £100 fixed penalty notice from Swansea Council. For the latest Swansea news, sign up to our newsletter here.

READ MORE: How people recycle their green bag waste in Swansea is changing

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rubbish and recycling in a black bin bag
Council images show food items incorrectly put in black bags, with arrows which demonstrate where they should have been placed -Credit:Swansea Council
rubbish and recycling in a black bag
Another council image shows plastic placed in black bags, where it should have been in a pink bag -Credit:Swansea Council
Council images showing rubbish placed in the wrong bin
More bin errors -Credit:Swansea Council

The recycling team wrote: "All these residents have been contacted by our team and reminded of the requirement to recycle and offered any support needed to make full use of the service. If they ignore this and continue to place recyclable items in their black bags they could receive a £100 fixed penalty notice.

"Fortunately, the vast majority of Swansea residents recycle all these materials in the correct bag or bin at the kerbside." You can find out the council's rules on how to recycle correctly by clicking here. Join our WhatsApp news community here for the latest breaking news.