Bin collectors shame residents online after going through their rubbish bags

Residents have been given a £100 warning
Residents have been given a £100 warning -Credit:Swansea Council

A number of people have been shamed online after bin collectors went through their rubbish. The act was part of a survey to see what residents had been throwing away.

And it turns out that some of the items could have landed the homeowners in Swansea with a £100 fine. This is because they ignored recycling rules and threw away items including plastic bottles.

Another black bag was full of food waste which should have been placed in a designated bun. Paper, tins and glass were also discovered which should have been put into green bins, WalesOnline reports.

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Recycling teams have now contacted the residents in question to "remind them of the requirement to recycle, and offer support". But they said that if this advice was ignored and recyclable items were still placed inside black bags in future, they could receive a £100 fixed penalty notice from Swansea Council.

A spokesperson for the recycling team said: "All these residents have been contacted by our team and reminded of the requirement to recycle and offered any support needed to make full use of the service. If they ignore this and continue to place recyclable items in their black bags they could receive a £100 fixed penalty notice.

"Fortunately, the vast majority of Swansea residents recycle all these materials in the correct bag or bin at the kerbside."