Birmingham Airport issues '20 minute' warning to passengers heading through security

Rule-breaking passengers add 20 MINUTES to everyone’s wait at security, an airport boss has warned. The Birmingham Airport boss has warned that rule-breaking Brits could be adding 20 minutes to everyone's wait time at security checks.

Nick Barton, CEO of Birmingham Airport, told BBC: "A non-compliant bag with liquids over 100ml can add up to 20 minutes to each passenger's journey through security." Mr Barton said: "Since opening our new security area, and despite being one of the first UK airports to comply, we have been limited on the use of our multi-million-pound equipment due to an outstanding regulatory restriction meaning we had to limit liquids to 100ml.

"Despite the 100ml rule still being in place, we continually have non-compliant bags with liquids over the allowance which have led to inefficiencies of our equipment and resulted in extended queuing time for customers." A new government directive means airports across the country have temporarily reintroduced rules preventing passengers carrying liquids over 100ml in hand luggage.

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Mr Barton said: "It is now imperative that all customers comply with the nationwide rule to ensure a smoother and simpler transition through the airport." All travelling customers have been advised to check their hand luggage to ensure it complies with the new restrictions.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper advised passengers to check airport websites for specific rules before travelling. “For most passengers actually the rules haven't changed at all yet, and won’t therefore change tonight,” he told BBC Breakfast.

He said the reintroduction of restrictions was to allow “changes” to be made to the scanning equipment. It's a temporary measure and we’ll set out when that can be reversed in due course,” he said. The DfT previously said that the Civil Aviation Authority would impose financial penalties on airports that kept missing deadlines.

Back in January, consumer group Which? warned that extending the restrictions could cause confusion during the summer holidays.