Birmingham Ladywood general election results 2024

Here's how Ladywood voted in the UK General Election.
-Credit: (Image: BPM)

Birmingham Ladywood has been won by Labour as the results for the area were announced for the UK General Election. Shabana Mahmood secured 15,558 votes in the previously safe Labour seat turned upside down by a Gaza activist. However, she ended up winning with 42.5% of the vote.

Independent candidate Akhmed Yaqoob, fresh from thousands of votes in the West Midlands Mayor election, came second with 12,137 votes, leaving Mahmood with a 3,421 majority in the seat. Birmingham Ladywood is one of the most deprived constituencies in the country, an area where nearly half of all children live in poverty and high levels of unemployment.

Birmingham Ladywood has been one of the safest Labour seats in the country since 1970, but criticism of the party's stance on Gaza had paved the way for a potential challenge from controversial Independent candidate Akhmed Yakoob.

When BirminghamLive visited the seat prior to the election, voters unsurprisingly cited the cost of living crisis and Gaza among their major concerns - but also important were unanswered questions around the £2.2bn regeneration of the area which would see much of the Ladywood estate bulldozed.

The turnout was 47.8%.


Birmingham Ladywood election results in full

Turnout for the election was 47.8%%. Here are the results in full.

  • Shabana Mahmood (Labour) - 15,558 votes

  • Shazna Muzammil (Conservative) - 2,218 votes

  • Akhmed Yakoob (Independent) - 12,137 votes

  • Irene Yoong-Henery (Reform UK) - 1,477 votes

  • Lee Dargue (Liberal Democrats) - 1,711 votes

  • Zoe Challenor (Green Party) - 3,478 votes

Who won in 2019?

Labour MP for Birmingham Ladywood hopeful, Shabana Mahmood on the campaign trail.
Labour MP for Birmingham Ladywood hopeful, Shabana Mahmood on the campaign trail. -Credit:Nick Wilkinson/Birmingham Live

Labour won Birmingham Ladywood convincingly in 2019, despite a poor showing nationally. Shabana Mahmood was elected with 33,355 - a 68% majority over the second place Tories.

Birmingham Ladywood has been held by Labour since the 1960s. Mahmood is a close ally of Labour leader Keir Starmer and is tipped to be the country's next Justice Secretary, should Labour win the election.