Birmingham mum's smart response to Kirsty Allsopp's 'moron' tweet

Kirsty Allsopp at The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace
Kirsty Allsopp at The Handmade Fair at Hampton Court Palace -Credit:Surrey Herald

TV presenter Kirsty Allsopp has sparked controversy by sharing a link to an article about plug-in air fresheners with a message saying 'if you use them you are a moron who is poisoning yourself, your family & your pets.' It came after The National Capital Poison Center in America posted a report questioning the safety of air fresheners.

But a Birmingham mum quickly responded with an issue she's keen to raise in terms of air pollution. Mum-of-three Kirsten de Vos, a volunteer for Mums for Lungs and an advocate for clean air and active travel, replied to Allsopp on X, saying: "Agreed but wait till you hear about wood burning stoves! Like cigarettes, wood smoke contains fine particles, dioxins, formaldehyde, mercury, arsenic and benzene."

Mum for Lungs is a network that's 'seriously concerned 'about the impact of air pollution on children’s health. With more than 13,000 followers on X, the campaigners say that 'air pollution is a public health crisis' and that they are pushing for 'clean air for everyone — particularly children and babies — as soon as possible'.


Read more: I tried air fresheners from Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Aldi, Asda and Tesco - I wish I'd read the labels

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In the Poison Center report, Karen D. Dominguez, PharmD Certified Specialist in Poison Information, said: "The toxic effects of air fresheners differ depending on the formulation. Inhaling small amounts of most air fresheners is usually not dangerous."

She continued: "Despite their popularity, some evidence suggests that air freshener products increase indoor air pollution and pose a health risk, especially with long-term exposure. Air fresheners release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. A VOC is a type of chemical that turns into a vapor or gas easily at room temperature.

"Health problems are thought to occur as a result of the chemicals in the air fresheners and from their secondary pollutants. Secondary pollutants are formed when a product’s chemicals combine with the ozone already in the air."


Home expert Kirsty Allsopp posted the story on her X feed and said: "Plug in air fresheners are poison. If you use them you are a moron who is poisoning yourself, your family & your pets. No reason for them whatsoever."

More than 560 people commented on Allsopp's tweet. She is best known as a co-presenter of Channel 4 property shows including Location, Location, Location, Love It or List It UK, Relocation, Relocation and Location Revisited.