Blackpool takeaway wins battle to open later after noise concerns

Blackpool Town Hall
Blackpool Town Hall -Credit:James Maloney/Lancs Live

A Blackpool takeaway has won its battle to open later after councillors were told most sales would be by delivery. Concerns had been raised about late-night noise after the Downtown Grill on Elizabeth Street applied to the council for a premises licence to enable it to sell food until midnight on weekdays and until 1am on Fridays and Saturdays.

Previously the takeaway, which sits among houses, has closed at 11pm. In a submission to the hearing, one resident warned: “The noise from the kebab shop is quite loud and disturbs both my and my daughter’s sleep. I don’t believe it should be permitted to open these late hours.”

But the objector failed to attend the hearing, held at Blackpool Town Hall, and the applicant agreed to conditions imposed by the police meaning food could only be sold as part of a delivery service after 11pm when the premises would also be closed to the public. There must also be full CCTV coverage of the shop.


Minutes from the hearing say: “Mr Abbas, director of the applicant Walis Food Carner Limited, accompanied by a friend was in attendance and made representations to the licensing panel. The applicant highlighted that the application represented a relatively modest change to the operation of the premises which had been a takeaway for a number of years.

“The applicant explained that due to the location of the premises, the majority of trade would be by delivery. The applicant highlighted their view that the objection did not represent the view in the area and that a number of other local residents were supportive of the business and did not consider that there were issues with the business.”

The licensing panel approved the application for a premises licence.