Blitz: Film shot in Hull's Old Town set to head to screens soon

Steve McQueen's latest film Blitz, which was filmed in Hull, is set to open the BFI London Festival as its world premiere.

The Apple Original rolled back the years as production transformed Hull city centre into post-war England back in early 2023. The film was not the only time that Old Town Cobbles were used as a key filming location, as several months prior they were seen on Netflix as part of the Enola Holmes sequel.

Whereas information about Blitz has been tight lipped since filming wrapped, as the premier closes in for the London Film Festival in October, more details have emerged.

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The film stars Saoirse Ronan as Rita, who has to send nine-year-old son George (Elliott Heffernan) - to the countryside for his protection. George then travels home alone back to the city, leaving his relatives to go on a search of the city. The film also features Stephen Graham, Kathy Burke and the acting debut of Paul Weller.

Many of the scenes will feature Hull. Filming saw a complete 1940s transformation of Old Town, as well as a huge steam locomotive 44932 pulling into Paragon Station as part of the production. The film will open in the UK on November 1, less than a month following its world premiere.

It will not be the first time that McQueen has been screened on the opening night of the BFI London Film Festival. Previous features Widows (2018) and Mangrove (2020) were opening night showings. The BFI London Film Festival will run from October 9 - 20.

Following the Blitz production, Hull City Council saw the economic benefits and feel good factor as plans to keep the " Hullywood " productions. A TV and Film Prospectus and marketing plan were planned while Blitz production was still ongoing, which would potentially see future film giants like Netflix, Apple TV and Hollywood coming to the city.