Blood scandal victims to get full compensation 'this year' - but bereaved partners won't get second interim payment

MPs including Northumberland's Ian Lavery joined infected blood campaigners in Westminster.
MPs including Northumberland's Ian Lavery joined infected blood campaigners in Westminster earlier this year. -Credit:PA

The Government has confirmed details of compensation for victims of the contaminated blood scandal - including interim payments of £210,000 to some and full payments beginning by the end of 2024.

Interim payments will be paid to those who have been infected within 90 days - but unlike when the first interim compensation payment was made in 2022, bereaved partners will not benefit.

Paymaster General John Glen announced the measures in the House of Commons. He also said the the Infected Blood Compensation Authority had been set up in shadow form and Sir Robert Francis would be its interim chair. Sir Robert produced a "compensation framework" document and said there was a "strong moral case" for this back in 2022.

However, following the minister's address to parliament, campaigners shared concerns about how compensation would be disseminated and said there had been a long-standing Government commitment not to take away monthly support payments.

This comes a day after Sir Brian Langstaff presented his final report after a public inquiry that has lasted since 2017. Sir Brian described a "catalogue of failings" and vindicated campaigners who have spent decades highlighting the devastating impact of an NHS treatment disaster which saw more than 30,000 infected with lethal viruses by the state. More than 3,000 people have died.

The minister Mr Glen said that those who receive support payments would continue to do so but that from April 1 2025 these would count towards their compensation award. The Government minister said compensation would be paid across five award categories.

The minister said: "Over the next few weeks Sir Robert Francis will seek views from the infected blood community on the proposed scheme before its terms are set in regulations, to make sure that the scheme will best serve those that it’s intended for."

He added: "We will ensure that no-one receives less in compensation than they would have in support payments."

However this comment has been met with concern from some, with campaigners keen to ensure that compensation is far more than just support - which they have in many cases received for several years.

Sean Cavens, an infected haemophiliac from Northumberland who lives with hepatitis C, said: "Yesterday we received an apology from [Rishi] Sunak, today we’re left wondering what it is that they actually apologise for?

"We have to wait for details to go on the website, we’re left hanging and now uncertainty clouds my mind. Will I continue to survive (support payments) or will I be allowed to live?"

Carol Grayson, who saw husband Peter die due to blood products contaminated with HIV and hepatitis, said: "It can't be a case of just not being worse off. What we want and need going forward is something that accounts for all these years of lost earnings."

The scheme will be "tarriff-based" - and compensation is to be assessed across five categories. These would be: an injury award, a social impact award, an autonomy award, a care award, and a financial impact award. It is hoped this will account for the different ways in which thousands were infected and affected by the scandal, while parents, children, siblings, family and friends of those impacted will be able to apply.

Carol told ChronicleLive about her hope that the impact of "dumped treatment" - where patients such as her husband were given blood products to treat their haemophilia that would not have been allowed to be used in the US - would be part of this consideration. Her husband Peter's case is among hundreds acknowledged by pharmaceutical companies.

Mr Glen reiterated the Prime Minister’s apology to victims of the infected blood scandal, telling the Commons: “Yesterday the Prime Minister spoke about the anguish that the infected blood scandal brought to those impacted by it. I want to reiterate his words and apologise again today, I am sorry.”

He later added: “Those who have been infected or affected as a result of this scandal will receive compensation.

“To be crystal clear, if you have been directly or indirectly infected by NHS blood, blood products or tissue contaminated with HIV or hepatitis C, or have developed a chronic infection from blood contaminated with hepatitis B, you will be eligible to claim compensation under the scheme.

“And where an infected person has died, but would have been eligible under these criteria, compensation will be paid to their estate. And this will include where a person was infected with hepatitis B and died during the acute period of infection."

To find out more about the Infected Blood Compensation Authority, click here.