Bob Ross Filtered Through AI Is the Most Unsettling Thing You'll See Today

From Popular Mechanics

Bob Ross was world-renown for his soft voice, and soothing instruction in the world of landscape painting. Google's Deep Dream is a neural network built for identifying images that, when set up in a particular way, can generate psychedelic images that are borderline disturbing. So if you put the two together, which ingredient wins out?

The disturbing part. Big time.

Some highlights (lowlights?) include:

  • 1:05 - Ross paints a transdimensional webway

  • 1:30 - Ross gingerly strokes the roiling back of a rare Eldritch gerbil

  • 2:00 - Ross feeds an extraplanar chimera from and also with his hand

  • 4:05 - Ross paints Antarctica's finest natural wonder: The Mountains of Madness

What is actually happening here, from a technical perspective, is that the neural net doing the processing has been set up in a way that it is trying extremely hard to recognize images of animals and other things that are not actually present. Then, in what is ostensibly a debugging measure, its thought process-what it thinks it sees, glimpses of eyes in the fold of a shirt etc-is displayed over the source video. The result is as close to an illustration of Lovecraft as you could ever hope to see. And/or hope to never see again.

Source: artBoffin via Gizmodo

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