The Royal Bodyguards Have Very Specific Code Names for the Different Family Members

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to spot a royal family member in the wild, you may have noticed their bodyguards don’t call them Prince William, Catherine or—dare we say—Lizzy in public.

In fact, the communications team has secret code names for each member of the royal family. While we’d expect something animalistic like we’ve seen in the movies—perhaps “Eagle” or “Falcon”—that’s not the case. Instead, the bodyguards chose not-so-discreet monikers that sound straight out of a bad James Bond knock-off.

According to the Daily Mail, Prince William and Kate Middleton’s code names are “Danny Collins” and “Daphne Clark.” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, on the other hand, used to go by “David Stevens” and “Davina Scott.”

We don’t know if there’s any significance to the names, but there does seem to be a pattern. Both Prince William and Middleton have the same coded initials (“D.C.”), along with Prince Harry and Markle (“D.S.”). The acronyms stand for each couple’s official titles: Duke/Duchess of Cambridge and Duke/Duchess of Sussex.

But apparently, Middleton has *two* code names because she mistakenly revealed the previous one (oops). According to a new report by The Sun, the duchess revealed her code name while residing in a cottage in Anglesey. While visiting a watersports shop in the neighborhood, she approached the shop owner to pay for a wetsuit she found. That’s when she accidentally said the alias to a shop owner, saying, “Mrs. Cambridge.”

Since Prince Harry and Markle relinquished their royal titles in January 2020, we wouldn’t be surprised if the royal couple gave up their code names and just go by “Harry and Meghan” whenever they travel.

“Danny and Daphne have landed. We repeat, Danny and Daphne have landed.” Could have fooled us.

RELATED: Love Prince Harry & Meghan Markle? Listen to ‘Royally Obsessed,’ the Podcast for People Who Love the Royal Family