Bolton North East general election 2024 results in full

The marginal seat of Bolton North East was won by Labour with a comfortable majority as they snatched the seat from the Conservatives. Kirith Entwistle is the area's newly-elected MP after the result was announced to huge cheers from her supporters at Bolton Arena at around 3.30am.

The seat was seen as an essential target for Labour if they wished to gain an overall majority in Parliament. She gained 16,166 votes to win a majority of 6,653.

The Conservative candidate, Breightmet councillor Adele Warren gained 9,513 votes to finish second, while Reform's Trevor Jones was third with 9,428. Voter turnout was 54.4 per cent.

READ MORE: General election 2024 results LIVE

Mrs Entwistle is the first female MP to represent the constituency. She said: "After 14 years of Conservative government the people of Bolton North East have demanded change.

"To my two-year-old son, you won't realise it now but I hope you do one day that this has all been for you - so that you might have a better life and reason to be even more proud of the town you're growing up in.

"I want to restore the position of MP to one of public service." The mood among Labour party supporters in the arena prior to the result being announced was one of excited expectation of victory rather than nervously hoping for a win.

Coun Martyn Cox, the leader of Bolton Conservatives on the borough council summed up the Tories' disappointment and said it had been 'apparent from when the first ballot box was emptied' that they were heading for defeat in the Bolton seats.

He said voters had 'stopped listening' to the party after short term Prime Minister Liz Truss's budget and that he believed Rishi Sunak should have held off calling the general election until later in the year. Days after Sunak called this election at the end of May, the previous MP, Conservative Mark Logan quit the party to throw his support behind Labour.

He was elected in 2019 with a majority of 378 votes, one of the smallest in the country with that win deemed an archetypal 'red wall' Tory victory.