Bomb squad in Devon woods after mortar round found

Butterdon Wood near Moretonhampstead
Butterdon Wood near Moretonhampstead -Credit:Google Maps Street View

Bomb disposal experts were called to a wooded area in Devon yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, April 30). A suspected ordnance was found at Butterdon Wood, near Moretonhampstead, at around 1pm.

A report was made to police and a 100-metre cordon was put in place at the scene. The Royal Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal team also attended and removed a mortar round.

Devon and Cornwall Police said: "Police were contacted at around 1.05pm on Tuesday 30 April with a report that a suspected ordnance had been found at Butterdon Wood, near Moretonhampstead.

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"A 100-metre cordon was put in place. The Royal Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal team attended and removed what is thought to be a mortar round."