How Boolean Logic Works

boolean logic
Boolean logic affects how computers operate. Monty Rakusen / Getty Images

A subsection of mathematical logic, Boolean logic deals with operations involving the two Boolean values: true and false.

Although Boolean logic dates back to the mid-19th century, it became foundational to modern computer programming and data querying through a method called Boolean algebra. Mathematicians, engineers and programmers working on Boolean algebra problems use rules to manipulate these logical values, typically under the binary system of 1 (true) and 0 (false).

To better understand the role Boolean logic plays in computing and its other applications, it's necessary to first learn the basic principles, including Boolean operators and expressions.

What Is Boolean Logic?

In simple words, Boolean logic refers to a form of algebra where the values of the variables are the truth values (also called Boolean values): "true" and "false," often denoted as 1 and 0 respectively.


The term "Boolean" comes from the 19th-century English mathematician George Boole, who was the first person to define an algebraic framework for working with logical operations.

Computing sometimes represents the Boolean values as "high" and "low" voltage levels, such as five volts for true and zero volts for false.

Basic Boolean Operators

Boolean logic requires what are called operators to perform logical operations on Boolean values (true and false). You might also see people or programs refer to a Boolean operator as a Boolean gate or a logic gate.

There are three basic Boolean operators:

  • AND (conjunction): This operator returns true if both of its arguments are true. For example, the expression "true AND true" will return true.

  • OR (disjunction): This operator returns true if at least one of the arguments is true. For example, the expression "true OR false" will also return true.

  • NOT (negation): This operator takes one argument and inverts it, returning true if the input is false and vice versa. For instance, if "x" is a Boolean variable holding the value true, then "NOT x" would equate to false.

Boolean Expressions

A Boolean expression is a combination of Boolean values and operators that yields another Boolean value. To evaluate these expressions you have to use Boolean algebra, which has rules for how to deal with Boolean values and operators.


Boolean expressions are fundamental to programming languages and database queries. In computer programs, they help determine the flow of execution through specific conditions.

In database queries, Boolean expressions define specific search criteria in the databases. For example, a search statement in a database might use a Boolean expression to filter records according to certain dates or names.


It's possible to combine multiple Boolean operators in a Boolean expression. When this occurs, it's called nesting, and it often requires the use of parentheses for clarity. For instance, "(true AND false) OR true" is a Boolean expression.

Venn Diagrams and Truth Tables

To visually represent the results of Boolean operations, it's common to use Venn diagrams and truth tables. A Venn diagram shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of different sets. It can visually simplify for you the possible outcomes of various Boolean operations.


On the other hand, a truth table is a table that lists all possible combinations of inputs for Boolean operators and the resultant output.

For example, a truth table for the AND operator with two inputs would look like this:
















The above truth table demonstrates how the AND operator requires all given conditions (inputs) to be true to produce a true outcome.

The AND gate can be particularly useful in situations where multiple criteria need to be satisfied simultaneously, such as in security systems where multiple conditions must be met to grant access, or in programming where several conditions must be true to execute a block of code.


It's possible to create computer memory with Boolean gates using special circuits called flip-flops and a concept known as feedback.

The flip-flop circuits are made up of several logic gates linked together in a way that allows them to hold onto a binary state (0 or 1, representing false or true). Essentially, these circuits use feedback loops where the output of certain gates is looped back as an input. This allows the flip-flop to maintain its state (store a 1 or a 0) until it receives a signal to change.


Basic memory cells in computers can store information this way. Each flip-flop holds one bit of data, acting as a tiny memory unit. By stringing together thousands to millions of these, you can build up the memory systems used in devices like smartphones and computers, where they store everything from user settings to the current state of apps.

This simple concept forms the basis for random-access memory (RAM), a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly at any time, allowing data to be read and written quickly no matter where the data is located physically inside the memory.

Applications of Boolean Logic

Boolean values, through their simplicity, play a crucial role in various technologies and applications, enabling decision-making processes, controlling operations and filtering data efficiently.

Computer Programming

Boolean logic is integral to developing algorithms and implementing control flow in programming languages. Boolean logic operations give programmers the ability to implement decision-making processes in their code by evaluating conditions that return true or false.

For example, Boolean expressions are crucial in "if" statements and "while" loops and for validating conditions during software operations. These expressions determine which blocks of code are executed based on the outcomes of the Boolean evaluations.

In a programming language like Python, Boolean values often have use in control structures, such as:

if is_logged_in: # is_logged_in is a Boolean variable that can be either true or false

print("Access granted.")


print("Access denied.")

Digital Electronics

Boolean logic is fundamental in digital electronics, where it governs how different logic gates process binary signals to perform calculations and make decisions.

These gates are the building blocks for complex digital circuits, including multiplexers, demultiplexers and arithmetic logic units — all of which are essential for carrying out operations in microprocessors and other electronic devices.

In these types of circuits, Boolean values determine the output (voltage) based on the inputs. For example, in an OR gate, the output is true if any of the inputs are true. Here, true could be represented by a high voltage, and false by zero volts.

Additionally, Boolean logic is instrumental in designing and analyzing the behavior of circuits in both small-scale integrated circuits (ICs) and large-scale systems, ensuring they operate correctly according to the logical rules the programmer has specified.

Database Queries and Search Engines

In databases and search engines, Boolean logic allows users to filter and retrieve data based on specific criteria. This helps them create more focused queries, especially when searching through large datasets.

By employing Boolean operators like AND, OR and NOT, users can specify whether they want to include multiple terms together, at least one of several terms or exclude certain terms from their search results. This enables the search engine to better understand the intent behind the user's query and to filter and prioritize content that best matches the user's search criteria.

For example:

  • Searching for "apple AND juice" will return results that include both terms.

  • Searching for "apple OR orange" gives results that include either term.

  • Using "apple NOT pie" provides results that include "apple" but exclude "pie."

Conditional Formulas

In spreadsheet applications, Boolean logic is used extensively within conditional formulas to make decisions based on specific criteria. For example, using the IF function, a user can create a formula that checks whether a condition is true or false and then performs different actions based on the result:

=IF(A1 > 10, TRUE, FALSE)

The above formula checks if the value in cell A1 is greater than 10. If it is, the formula returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

This application of Boolean logic allows the spreadsheet user to automate certain data management tasks, helping them to organize, analyze and visualize the data efficiently based on logical conditions.

We created this article in conjunction with AI technology, then made sure it was fact-checked and edited by a HowStuffWorks editor.

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