Border Collie Shocked to See Herself in Mirror For The First Time

A border collie from Perth, Western Australia, was excited and somewhat shocked to see herself in the mirror for the first time.

Footage recorded by Laura Talbot Smith shows Winter, a border collie with Cerebellar Abiotrophy, admiring her reflection in the mirror.

“My husband put a mirror up in his shed and this was Winter’s reaction to seeing her reflection,” Talbot wrote.

Winter can be seen first staring somewhat warily at herself, but soon loosening up and attempting to engage in play.

Cerebellar Abiotrophy is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system in dogs that causes symptoms including muscle tremors and bad coordination. Credit: Laura Talbot Smith via Storyful

Video transcript

It's that, who is that?

Is that, where is that, is that, who is that, is that, who is that?