Boundary changes for council wards set to change political map of East Riding

New ward boundaries for the East Riding will be drawn up this year and the organisation responsible wants to hear the views of residents before dividing them up.

The Local Government Boundary Commission said the number of councillors at East Riding of Yorkshire Council should remain the same as it now, with 67 seats. But changes to ward boundaries will be made so each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors.

In the council election results last year, the Conservatives were the largest group with 29 councillors out of 67 total seats, making them short of a majority. There were also 22 Liberal Democrats, nine Independents, four Labour, and three Yorkshire Party members elected.


The Commission is the independent body that draws these boundaries. It is reviewing East Riding of Yorkshire and said it wants to be sure that its proposals reflect community ties and identities - which is why it's asking for the opinions of residents.

It said it wants to hear views on which communities should be part of the same ward. For example, what facilities do people share, such as parks, leisure centres or schools and shopping areas? What issues do neighbouring communities face that they have in common, such as high numbers of visitors or heavy traffic?

Have there been new housing or commercial developments that have changed the focus of communities? And are there roads, rivers, railways or other features that people believe form strong boundaries between neighbourhoods?

The Commission said it will use local views to help it draw up proposals for new ward boundaries. A 10-week consultation inviting proposals will run until July 15, 2024. There will be a further round of consultation once the Commission has drawn up those proposals.

Professor Colin Mellors, Chair of the Commission, said: "We want people in East Riding of Yorkshire to help us. We are starting to draw up new wards for East Riding of Yorkshire. We want our proposals for new electoral arrangements to reflect communities. We also want them to be easy to understand and convenient for local people.

"Residents and local organisations can help us understand community ties and identities at this early stage of the process. It’s easy to get involved.

"Go to our website. Or you can e-mail or write to us. Just tell us what you think and give us some details why you think that. It’s really simple, so do get involved."