Boxing trainer slams Plymouth sports fans over lack of support

A Plymouth boxing trainer behind the city’s most successful fighter in almost 20 years said he is struggling to understand a lack of support among sporting fans in the city. Constantin Ursu has made Plymouth his home, and already captured the Southern Area title and the Silver Commonwealth strap – making himself a mandatory challenger for the full Commonwealth belt.

But his trainer Marlee Dann said there were just a handful of supporters from Plymouth who travelled up to the Brentwood Centre in Essex on Saturday to see Ursu demolish opponent Basi Razaq.

While more than 2,000 Argyle fans travelled to Bermondsey in south-east London to see their team play on Saturday, Ursu was supported by just 13 fans from Plymouth, together with around 50 people contingent from the Moldovan community.

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Ursu has dubbed himself the ‘Dynamite Kid’ in homage to Scott ‘Dynamite’ Dann who was the last fighter to rise above Southern Area level but had to cut short his career due to injury. But while ‘Dynamite’ Dann had a vocal and sizeable following for his fights, Ursu has yet to garner the same support.

His trainer said: “When I sit there and look at Constantin and his situation, he lives in Plymouth, we’re the 14th biggest city in the country, but we’ve only got a football following, nobody supports anyone down here. He’s got a Moldovan base so we had 50 people from Moldova turn up at the show, but we had 13 people travel from Plymouth.

“If he was in Manchester or London he would be able to get all the Romanians and all the Moldovans and he would probably have 200-300 people there watching him. If you’ve got 200 people there to watch you, the promoters push you harder, and the truth is that when you are travelling away with 13 fans to Brentwood, how can you be marketed? Yet his performances are great – faultless.”

Marlee continued: “Anyone who is involved in sport in Plymouth should be embarrassed; you’ve had 13 people go from Plymouth to Brentwood to watch him defend the Silver Commonwealth belt and I sit there and I think that he’s moved to Plymouth for me and calls Plymouth home.

“We are blessed to have someone at that calibre fighting for us, and you go away and look in the stands and there are two here and three there. There should be a crowd there. If he lived in London he would have 200 people turning up there.”

While Ursu is now promoted by Lee Eaton, and shows largely take place in Essex, he is still representing not just Plymouth but the wider region according to his trainer. He said: “The TV news should be all over him – he is ten wins and zero defeats. When was the last time we had someone who won two belts, and was 10 and 0, in the South West?

“He’s not just representing Plymouth, he is representing the Westcountry. When Plymouth Argyle go to Wembley there are people from North Devon, Cornwall, Torquay, Newton Abbot – they all travel to support them. There are people who travel away with Argyle every other week.

“Something needs to change, because we’ve got a genuine superstar who is walking around Plymouth and no-one has any idea about it. It’s so insane. I just think it’s embarrassing because I don’t feel like I am failing him as a coach, which has previously been the issue.

“I’ve had my views on coaching, and I think the coaches are why things in Plymouth got so bad. But those dark days are over, we’re moving in the right direction and everything seems to moving full steam ahead, so I just don’t know what to do.”

Capturing the Commonwealth welterweight title will be the next task for Ursu, but his trainer believes the 24-year-old should already be ‘paraded’ around Plymouth for what he has done for boxing in the city.

He said: “I find it insane that he isn’t being paraded around more, and people telling him well done all the time. We don’t really have any local sporting heroes, in terms of anyone who lives here, which people talk about.” He added: “The sad truth to it is that he would be much better off living in London."