Boy, 17, who murdered man then boasted about it named for first time

Jordan Rance, 17, was jailed for life for the murder of Paul Marsh
Jordan Rance, 17, was jailed for life for the murder of Paul Marsh -Credit:Manchester Evening News

A 17-year-old has been named for the first time after he murdered a man then sent voice notes boasting about it.

The teenager who murdered Paul Marsh after pulling out a knife during a row has today been named as Jordan Rance. He was convicted of Mr Marsh's murder following a trial earlier this year. His identity was prohibited from being published during the trial due to his young age, but following representations by the Manchester Evening News, he can now be named.

Teen Rance stabbed Mr Marsh to the shoulder, severing his carotid artery following a minor disagreement at a social gathering at a flat in Atherton, Wigan, when tensions escalated between the pair on November 17 last year.

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Mr Marsh, 49, had been 'attempting to provoke' Rance, who had delivered drugs to the flat, by asking what he was looking at on his phone and prodding him to attract his attention, prosecutor Michael Hayton KC told Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court.

An altercation ensued leading both men to square up to each other, during which Rance brandished a large kitchen knife, said to be part of his 'drug dealer's kit', and stabbed Mr Marsh. After suffering from severe blood loss, he sadly died.

Mr Rance fled the scene, later sending a voice note to a friend 'boasting' about the attack. He was arrested and interviewed in which he initially lied to the police, stating that Mr Marsh had brought the knife and stabbed himself during the struggle.

He later changed his defence, instead claiming that he grabbed the knife from a nearby TV stand during the melee and acted in self defence. Jurors rejected his claims and found him guilty of murder following a trial earlier this year.

The court heard there had been a previous fight between Rance and Mr Marsh two weeks before the attack at the flat on Samuel Street. And just two days before Mr Marsh's murder, Rance had been round to the flat peddling drugs, and went on to take a picture of himself posing with a knife, the prosecutor said.

In an emotive victim impact statement, Mr Marsh's mum, Carol Ann Smith, said: "He was a character loved by many, endured by others - whatever the circumstances it was an interaction you never forgot. I will never profess that my son was an angel and won't paint him as something he wasn't because he is no longer with us."

"But I stand by the fact that no one has the right to take his life. The person who stabbed my son made a conscious decision to do so. There are no winners in this."

She added that her life has since been left in 'limbo'. She said: "When a child loses their parents, they are an orphan. When a wife loses a husband, they are a widow. What am I called now?

"Paul died with so much of his life left to live. When is this pandemic called knife crime ever going to stop? How many lives are going to be lost before the youth of today understand the consequences of using and carrying a knife?"

While Rance was in custody, he called members of his family asking them to go back to the flat on Samuel Street to get them to 'cancel the witnesses'.

He earlier pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and separate offences of attempted wounding, possession of a knife and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The court heard that Rance, alongside a group of youths, approached another group who were standing near the town hall in Bolton town centre in January 2023.

Violence erupted after Rance's groups made offensive comments about them being members of the 'goth community'. On CCTV footage he was seen to kick a boy to the head causing him to lose consciousness, before stabbing another boy with a large knife.

Both fortunately suffered minor injuries. Mr Hayton KC said: "The court previously heard he had eight previous convictions for 11 offences including wounding."

Mitigating, Benjamin Myers KC said his client understood the 'enormity' of what he had done and was remorseful.

He said: "He understands he is responsible for the loss of life and he is sorry for that. There was no intention to kill. What happened was very, very quick. It was not premeditated.

Rance, of Platt Hill Avenue, Bolton, was detained for life at His Majesty's Pleasure to serve a minimum term of 21 years in prison.

Sentencing, Judge Tina Landale said he attacked Mr Marsh in an act of 'perceived disrespect': "I am fully satisfied that you came to the flat armed with a knife. You stabbed him over a minor disagreement as his friends looked on in horror as his life drained out of him."

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