Boy, 4, left paralysed after suddenly suffering a rare complication of chickenpox

Freddie Rushton, five, opening the Stroke Association's garden at the Chelsea Flower Show
Freddie Rushton, five, opening the Stroke Association's garden at the Chelsea Flower Show -Credit:Stroke Association

A child was left paralysed after suddenly suffering a rare complication of chickenpox. Freddie Rushton 'went to bed absolutely fine' but was unsteady on his feet and leaning to one side when he woke the next morning.

His mum Sarah Kilgariff thought he had an ear infection but was left shocked when medics later said her son had experienced a stroke. Tests indicated the stroke was a complication of a bout of chickenpox Freddie had suffered 11 months earlier.

The youngster spent a month in hospital after being left paralysed down his left side. The four-year-old was also unable to speak, with doctors fearing he may never walk again.

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His mum has now said she had 'no idea' children could have strokes, StokeonTrentLive reports. Mum-of-three Sarah said: "He went to bed absolutely fine, no warning signs whatsoever."

The 43-year-old added: "Children can and do have strokes. It was the last thing on anyone’s mind, and it needs to be the first thing on people’s minds, that it could be a stroke and it needs to be ruled out."

Freddie - now five - spent a month at the Royal Stoke University Hospital following his stroke on May 9 last year. A year on, the boy was invited to open the Stroke Association’s garden at the Chelsea Flower show on Monday, May 20.

Sarah said she initially thought Freddie had an ear infection when he was unsteady on his feet. He sat on his parents' bed, rolled off and hit the wardrobe after completely losing the use of his left side.

That was the moment he suffered a stroke. The mum said: "A lot of people don’t realise that can happen. We didn’t.

"It was horrific. He lost all use of his left side, but we didn’t think it was a stroke because that wasn’t obvious at the time. It looked like his tongue was swelling initially, and he does have an EpiPen. So, I rang the ambulance, and they said to give him his EpiPen.

"When the ambulance turned up, no one mentioned the word 'stroke'. They had no idea what was wrong with him. He was just kind of out of it, leaning to the left. We ended up at the Royal Stoke in Intensive Care, and they thought he had meningitis initially."

Freddie underwent an MRI and CT scan before the family found out the next day that he had a stroke. Medics suspected the chickenpox virus had caused it.

He underwent a lumbar puncture, which found the virus present in his spinal fluid. Sarah said: "There is always a risk that you can have a stroke up to six months after having chickenpox, which I wasn’t aware of."

The virus had spread to Freddie's brain, causing a restriction of the blood vessels and subsequently the stroke. Doctors said it was '50/50' as to whether Freddie would walk again.

Sarah said: "Luckily, Freddie regained his mobility while we were in hospital. He started moving his leg a little bit when we got him in the bath, and we kept trying to get him up and move him. He had some physio and he did regain his mobility.

"He does still have some residual weakness on his left side, like with his grip, and he does stumble a little bit, but I’m hoping with time he’ll build that up. One of the major problems now is that he is very emotionally dysregulated, he’s very up-and-down, which he wasn’t before, and he’s back in nappies whereas he was fully potty-trained before."

Sarah added: "He struggles with his speech, and it’s been difficult accessing the education that he needs."

Despite his struggles, Sarah said Freddie is a 'happy little boy' who loves to play outside. The family is now working with the Stroke Association to raise awareness.

Sarah said: "People don’t realise children, teenagers, and young people in their 20s and 30s have strokes. It’s shocking, and we’re trying to raise awareness so schools can look out for it. Children can have strokes, babies can have strokes."