Boy admits manslaughter of schoolgirl Elianne Andam but denies murder

A 17-year-old boy has pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to the manslaughter of schoolgirl Elianne Andam but denies murdering her.

The 15-year-old was stabbed to death on her way to school in Croydon, south London, with what was believed to be a large zombie knife.

The teenage defendant, who cannot be identified because of his age, pleaded not guilty to murder when he appeared by videolink at the Old Bailey on Thursday morning.

Elianne Andam, 15, was stabbed to death on her way to school in Croydon, south London (Metropolitan Police/PA) (PA Wire)
Elianne Andam, 15, was stabbed to death on her way to school in Croydon, south London (Metropolitan Police/PA) (PA Wire)

The manslaughter plea was not accepted by prosecutors, and a trial will take place from November 25 at the same court. The boy also denied possessing a blade in a public place.

Elianne had met up with two female friends on her way to school before she was attacked on 27 September.

It is claimed her attacker, wearing a mask and gloves, removed a large knife from his waistband and stabbed Elianne repeatedly.

As he fled the scene, others attempted to administer first aid but she could not be saved.

The mother of Elianne Andam (centre left), who was stabbed to death in Croydon, arrives with other family members and friends for the vigil (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
The mother of Elianne Andam (centre left), who was stabbed to death in Croydon, arrives with other family members and friends for the vigil (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

The defendant was arrested in New Addington at 9.45am the same day.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC previously said: “It was, the prosecution allege, a brutal attack.”

A special post-mortem examination showed she had suffered multiple stab wounds.

Elianne’s mother, Dorcas Andam, had previously paid an emotional tribute to her “amazing, beautiful” daughter, who she said “loved living life to the fullest” and “should be planning her prom”.

Elianne wanted to be a lawyer, her mother said
Elianne wanted to be a lawyer, her mother said

She told crowds, including Rapper Stormzy, gathered at the spot where Elianne was killed: “I can’t believe we won’t be seeing her anymore. I can’t believe she won’t be there to complain about her teenage activities.

“We should be planning her prom after year 11. She wanted to be a lawyer, and had so much to live for ... It was a sad day for the whole family, now we are planning her funeral.”

“Her beautiful soul will forever be etched in our hearts. Forever in our hearts, forever our girl, forever Elianne. Rest in power, my lovely daughter,” Ms Andam concluded, as heartfelt applause rang out in support.

Previously, Elianne’s family said in a statement: “We as a family are struggling to comprehend this painful tragedy that has happened to our beautiful daughter and beloved sister Elianne. Our hearts are broken.

“Elianne was a beautiful person inside and out who loved Jesus. She was intelligent, thoughtful, kind and had a bright future ahead. It is our request that you keep our cherished daughter Elianne and our family in your thoughts and prayers.”