Boys, 13, warned after shooting at cars with toy guns

Two boys aimed Nerf guns at cars <i>(Image: Canva)</i>
Two boys aimed Nerf guns at cars (Image: Canva)

Two boys who fired toy guns at vehicles were spoken to by police.

Drivers told police two youths fired 'missiles' towards cars in Oxford Road in Brackley using a BB gun on June 3.

It was later discovered that these were Nerf-style toy guns.

In an update issued on Tuesday morning (June 25) South Northamptonshire neighbourhood policing team said two boys aged 13 have been spoken to about the use of Orbi and Nerf guns aimed towards cars.

They have written apology letters to the drivers who reported this to the police.

A boy of 16 has also been spoken to about using a BB gun in his garden and shooting pellets into a public footpath.