Brad Pitt To Put Pedal To The Metal In Formula One Movie

Brad Pitt is set to hop in the driver’s seat as he gears up for an upcoming Formula One film.

The movie, which is described as a film about a racer putting their retirement plans on pause for a younger driver, will have “Top Gun: Maverick” director Joseph Kosinski and producer Jerry Bruckheimer at the helm, Variety reported.

The pair spoke Thursday at a panel in Miami. Moderator Will Buxton later said in a tweet that the film “sounds incredible.”

“They’re creating an 11th team and filming on track and on event from Silverstone to the end of the year,” Buxton wrote, referring to the racing circuit in England’s East Midlands where the British Grand Prix is set to take place in July.

In another tweet, Buxton described the influence of “Top Gun: Maverick” on the production of the upcoming racing movie.

“They’ve spent 18 months taking what they learnt on Top Gun Maverick to develop the smallest moveable 6k camera ever designed to take the viewer into the cockpit. A cockpit in which their stars will actually drive,” he wrote. “That’s right. Brad Pitt driving an F1 car from Silverstone onwards.”

Pitt’s car was designed by Mercedes for the film and “is already testing,” Buxton added.

Variety, in a report on the panel, noted that Pitt “will not be racing against other drivers on the track.”

The film also loops in F1 star Lewis Hamilton, who serves as a consultant and producer. He told last year that the film’s team aims to craft the “best racing movie that’s ever existed.”

“I have such high hopes for it,” he said. “I know we’re going to make the best racing movie that’s ever existed, both visually, and we’re going to work on making sure we pull on the heartstrings of all those fans.”

Buxton noted Kosinski and Bruckheimer’s desire to make an impressive racing movie, as well, and added that one “Top Gun: Maverick” star has offered his services.

“Tom Cruise has already offered to do some extra driving if they need him,” he wrote.

The Apple Studios film is expected to see “Top Gun: Maverick” co-writer Ehren Kruger on screenplay duties, while “Snowfall” star Damson Idris is set to act in the movie, according to Variety.

Film and TV writers, including Kruger, are currently on strike over pay and working conditions.
