Brandon Routh Wants A Better Ending For Legends Of Tomorrow, Too

Legends of Tomorrow
Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow fans aren’t the only ones sad to see the show go out the way that it did.

Actor Brandon Routh departed the CW series during season five, after playing Ray Palmer aka The Atom since the series began. He returned briefly for an episode early on in season seven, prior to the show’s abrupt cancelation, leaving fans on a cliffhanger.

In a recent conversation with Syfy Wire, the actor noted that he and wife Courtney Ford, who also played his character’s eventual wife, Nora Darhk, have been “coming to terms” with the end of their time on the show since 2019, but he still hopes there’s one last encore in the cards for the Legends.

“I just love all the Legends fans, and they deserve some kind of wrap up, so I hope that they get it,” he said.

Although Routh is moving on to spend time on another time travel show, Quantum Leap, we have hope that some of the Legends will at least get a minimal farewell via the final season of The Flash.

An interview with The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace previously stated that all the characters would appear in the final season, although he wouldn’t be able to wrap up their story in the way fans might have hoped. However, that quote has since been retracted, leaving us wondering once again whether we’ll ever find out what happened to the Waverider crew.

Was Legends of Tomorrow canceled?


How many seasons of Legends of Tomorrow are there?

There were seven seasons of Legends of Tomorrow.

Is Legends of Tomorrow worth watching?

Do you like fun and/or enjoy various LGBTQ+ representation? If so, then yes!