Breaking Through host Zeze Millz hopes documentary will inspire change

zeze millz
Breaking Through host hopes show inspires changeJames Shaw/Shutterstock

Breaking Through host Zeze Millz has expressed hopes to Digital Spy that the new ITV documentary will inspire change.

In the TV special, Zeze sits down with three famous faces — Bridgerton stars Adjoa Andoh and Ruby Barker as well as Coronation Street's Channique Sterling-Brown — to discuss the achievements of Black actors across generations.

The panel discussion delves into the challenges Black British actors still face in the industry, as Zeze and the actresses share their own personal experiences of finding success.

When Zeze recently spoke with us about Breaking Through, she shared what she hopes viewers will take away from the discussion.

zeze millz
James Shaw/Shutterstock

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"I think my hope is that people just kind of see and appreciate and acknowledge the hard work, and the extra hard work, and the extra challenges that Black women have to go through, just to do what we want to do, and to live our dreams, and to be in spaces that we want to be in," she said.

"So when other people watch it, I hope that they see that it's a continuous journey, and it kind of takes everyone to jump on board to make a change happen, if that makes sense?"

The presenter also spoke about why it was key to discuss the industry with actresses at three different stages of their careers.

"I'm really excited to speak to all of them – all of the three ladies – 100%," she told us. "Also, it's different ages, and different times in their career as well. There's a range, and different experiences as well. Do you know what I mean? Some of them have been in the game for so long. It's obviously changed.

"We might be complaining about things, but 20 years ago, it was probably a lot worse. Sometimes we don't see the journey. You know when you come in, you don't actually see how far things have progressed. It feels like things haven't progressed, but I'm really excited to see the difference between 20 years ago to how it is now."

While the panel discussion centres on the entertainment industry, Zeze suggested the main themes would be relevant for people from all walks of life.

adjoa andoh, ruby barker and jackie kay attend the press night performance of running with lions
Adjoa Andoh, Ruby Barker and Jackie Kay attend the press night performance of Running With LionsDave Benett - Getty Images

"I think that everyone – regardless of your colour or your age, everyone experiences difficulty, and that's why there's a thing called empathy," she pointed out. "Even if it doesn't apply to you, you should be able to use your emotional intelligence to understand that these are continuous things.

"Especially women, regardless of the colour of your skin – women, in general, it's hard for us. Even if as a white woman you know it's difficult, then imagine being a Black woman? It's going to be even more difficult."

The presenter continued: "So there is a common ground where women – everyone understands it's hard for women to do what they need to do in life, whether that's because of the way the system is, or whatever the way the world is. People should be able to empathise.

"I think that gone are the times when people shouldn't be able to relate to something because it's not them – if that makes sense? Because there are so many other groups that we must understand, and that we must relate to, and we must have empathy for them. So why can't that same knowledge and empathy be extended to Black women and our issues?"

Breaking Through with Zeze Millz will air on ITV 1 on 11th October 10.45pm.

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