Brexit: What happens next? These are the key dates to look out for

Theresa May has been granted a short extension to Article 50 to May 22 (PA)
Theresa May has been granted a short extension to Article 50 to May 22 (PA)

After Thursday’s agreement to delay Brexit, Britain’s EU withdrawal is taking place to a new timetable. But what happens next?

The Prime Minister has persuaded EU leaders to extend the Article 50 process to June 30. While the EU27 agreed to an extension of Article 50, she was granted a delay of just two weeks from the original deadline day of March 29.

Mrs May now has until April 12 to gain the backing of MPs and pass her withdrawal deal through parliament – meaning she faces a race against time to lock in a new Brexit withdrawal date of May 22.

The UK would then remain in a transition period until December 31, 2020, with the time used implement changes to legislative changes highlighted in her withdrawal deal.

Mrs May must now win the backing of MPs before the May deadline day – or the UK will leave the EU empty handed (PA)
Mrs May must now win the backing of MPs before the May deadline day – or the UK will leave the EU empty handed (PA)

But if the Prime Minister cannot win over MPs the UK will crash out of the EU bloc without a deal. Here are the key points in Mrs May’s new Brexit timeline:

Time is ticking for the Prime Minister’s last attempt to pass her agreement through Parliament (PA)
Time is ticking for the Prime Minister’s last attempt to pass her agreement through Parliament (PA)

Friday March 22

Theresa May cuts short her attendance at the European Council summit in Brussels to return to the UK and embark on a drive to win over at least 75 MPs to her Brexit plan.

Saturday March 23

Large crowds of opponents of Brexit are expected to line the streets of London for a march titled Put It To The People, demanding a second referendum.

Monday March 25

Parliament debates an amendable Government motion on the Brexit deal, which gives MPs a chance to put their favoured outcomes to a vote.

Mrs May could table secondary legislation which must go through the Commons and Lords by Friday to remove the date of March 29 from Brexit legislation.

Mrs May’s defacto deputy David Lidington has promised to introduce a process for MPs to debate potential Brexit outcomes over the following two weeks.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn discussed alternative Brexit deals in Brussels on Thursdsay. He will continue to push the Prime Minister towards a soft Brexit (PA)
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn discussed alternative Brexit deals in Brussels on Thursdsay. He will continue to push the Prime Minister towards a soft Brexit (PA)

Tuesday March 26

Possible date for the third “meaningful vote” – known in Westminster as MV3 – on Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement. Downing Street says that no date has yet been fixed for the vote, which must come by the end of the week.

Wednesday March 27

MPs led by Sir Oliver Letwin hope to seize control of parliamentary time to force votes on Brexit options.

Read more:
Brexit petition to revoke Article 50 tops two million signatures to become fastest growing in history
Theresa May urges country to get behind her Brexit deal as she refuses to delay beyond June 30
Jean-Claude Juncker: ‘I’ve given up on Brexit’

Friday March 29

No longer Brexit withdrawal day. Leave-backing walkers who have taken part in the Brexit Betrayal march from Sunderland are due to arrive in London.

April 11

Final date for the UK to take steps to enable European Parliament elections to take place.

April 12

If Mrs May has failed to secure Commons support for her Withdrawal Agreement, this is the final day on which the UK can set out its next steps to the European Council, if it wishes to be granted a longer extension. If it does not do so, the UK would leave the EU without a deal.

May 22

If the Commons has approved Mrs May’s deal, the UK formally leaves the European Union on this date with a Withdrawal Agreement, entering a transition period during which it will continue to observe EU laws but have no representation in EU institutions.

The new European Parliament will hold its first session in July, where it will confirm a new commission and president to replace Donald Tusk (PA)
The new European Parliament will hold its first session in July, where it will confirm a new commission and president to replace Donald Tusk (PA)

May 23-26

European Parliament elections take place across the EU, with or without the UK.

July 1

The first session of the new European Parliament gets underway, whose first task is to confirm a new commission and president.

December 31 2020

If the UK has left with a deal, this will be the end of the transition period. London and Brussels have both said they hope to have an agreement on future trade and security relations completed by this point.

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