'Bring it on': Lib dem candidate vows action after general election announcement

The Liberal Democrat said she will campaign for a number of issues including the NHS crisis following the general election announcement <i>(Image: Ruth Gripper | Martini Archive)</i>
The Liberal Democrat said she will campaign for a number of issues including the NHS crisis following the general election announcement (Image: Ruth Gripper | Martini Archive)

A parliamentary candidate for Truro and Falmouth has said she will campaign for a number of issues following yesterday’s general election announcement.

Liberal Democrat candidate Ruth Gripper will be campaigning for action to tackle the crisis in the NHS and social care, protect the environment and deal with the cost-of-living crisis.

This comes following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Wednesday announcement that a General Election will be held on July 4 following months of speculation about its date.

Responding to Mr Sunak's call for a General Election Gripper said: “So many people I speak to feel disappointed with politics.

Falmouth Packet: Gripper said we need, and deserve better from the Conservative Government
Falmouth Packet: Gripper said we need, and deserve better from the Conservative Government

Gripper said we need, and deserve better from the Conservative Government (Image: Supplied)

"We need, and we deserve, better than what we’ve had from the Conservative Government over recent years.

“I’m standing to represent and serve the community of Truro and Falmouth. This is my home.

“People here have been taken for granted by an out-of-touch Conservative Government that has failed to get the basics right and lurched from crisis to crisis - now it’s time for a change.

“Local health services have been brought to their knees, people’s mortgages and rent have skyrocketed and water companies have been allowed to get away with pumping sewage into our rivers and beaches.

“All this by a Conservative government more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the country.”

READ NEXT: Truro and Falmouth candidate calls for NHS investment to tackle waiting lists

Gripper went on to say: “Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for someone who will give Truro and Falmouth a real voice in Westminster. It's a vote for someone who will fight for Cornwall to get a fair deal. And it’s a vote for a party that will stand up for our environment, for our health and care services, and for our community.

“We now know the election will be on 4 July. Bring it on.”

Gripper also commented on the ambulance delays at Royal Cornwall Hospital, sewage spills into local rivers and beaches, the Cornish housing crisis and cost of living saying they were ‘all major concerns for people here’.