Bring on Rob Brydon for the BBC leaders’ debate

<span>Rob Brydon on the set of the panel show Would I Lie to You?</span><span>Photograph: Brian Ritchie/BBC/Zeppotron/Brian Ritch</span>
Rob Brydon on the set of the panel show Would I Lie to You?Photograph: Brian Ritchie/BBC/Zeppotron/Brian Ritch

Having given up after 10 minutes of the ITV leaders’ debate because of the ridiculous format and lack of control by the moderator, I suggest that the second one, fortunately given to the BBC, adopts one of its existing formats. That, obviously, is Would I Lie to You? The moderator (Rob Brydon if available) should ask the audience after every answer “Is he telling the truth? Or is it a lie?” There might even be a “This is my…” round to consider the motives of selected donors. I’d watch that.
Anne Cowper
Bishopston, Swansea

• My husband and I enjoy our retirement, walking the two miles to Waitrose daily to buy the Guardian (Letters, 2 June), enjoy a delicious free latte and walk back home to spend the rest of the morning arguing over opinions expressed in the paper. What’s not to like – good exercise, interesting views and a free hot drink. Thank you, Waitrose and the Guardian.
Heather Kimberley
Windsor, Berkshire

• Glad to see that irony thrives at the Guardian, with a cover and two middle pages of the G2 section in the print edition (6 June) devoted to an article headlined “Is there any escaping Taylor Swift?”
James Kingston-Stewart

• I am not aware of ever having heard Taylor Swift, nor do I know what she looks like. I am available to smash up looms for a small fee.
Kaye McGann
Standlake, Oxfordshire

• I have two questions for all parliamentary candidates. How many swifts have you seen this year? What will your party do to bring back our flying insects?
Elizabeth Baker

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