Bristol City player ratings vs Blackburn: Williams dominant as Conway and Wells feast

Max O’Leary - 6

I would love to award him more as he secured a fourth straight clean sheet but, in truth, the City goalkeeper had very little to do outside of fielding some back-passes and starting possession from deep.

George Tanner - 7

A quietly effective but hugely impressive performance from Tanner who has shown real development to his game in that centre-back role. Defended his back post exceptionally well and also bailed Vyner out on one of the few occasions when the City backline was breached.

Zak Vyner - 7

Outside of the shaky pass out to his right in the first-half which nearly had Sam Gallagher through on goal, if not for the intervention of Tanner, it was typically calm and composed stuff from Vyner.

Haydon Roberts - 8

Another extremely accomplished display by the defender who I refuse to believe is really 21 given the maturity and smoothness he brings in possession. He just looks so effective as the left-sided centre-back with his passing and willingness to move forward while his reading of the game, in covering the space outside, was consistently excellent.

Ross McCrorie - 7

This may not be completely factually accurate but I swear every single touch he makes is forward. A constant outlet and motor down the right, he caused Blackburn so many problems with his direct running and power, constantly forcing them backwards. His influence waned a little after the break but he looks considerably more effective as a wing-back then at full-back.

Joe Williams - 8

A dominant display from the Scouser who, however his future pans out, is trying to leave a mark on this season. Brought plenty of bite in the tackle and his passing was precise and with purpose. An underrated aspect of his performance was the amount of headers he seemed to win, either in midfield or in defending set-pieces.

Jason Knight - 8

It was actually one of his more understated displays, with Williams probably the more obviously impactful of the two centre-midfielders, but there’s nothing wrong with that because he did exactly what was asked in terms of breaking up play and using the ball wisely.

Cam Pring - 7

Offered real pace down the left, constantly giving Twine and Roberts options when City were in possession and showed more of his attacking qualities as a result.

Mark Sykes - 7

Won the penalty for which Conway essentially put the game beyond Blackburn (although you could make the case that was the situation at 1-0) as he got the wrong side of Dom Hyam. Sykes was the more direct of the two playmakers, looking to play on the line and a little wider to help support Conway which he ultimately did well.

Scott Twine - 8

So bright and inventive in the first half, appearing in the pocket and looking to create, shielding possession and just constantly shifting Blackburn all over the place. If he needed to keep it simple he did, but there were also some devilishly clever little touches here and there. It looks like he's coming to the boil, just a shame there are so few games remaining.

Tommy Conway - 8

For roughly 20 minutes of the first half he wasn’t particular involved, chasing deep balls with little return and trying to pressure defenders, but then that’s the life of a striker and he was rewarded for all his endeavour with a quickfire double, profiting from some horrendous defending; finishing well past Aynsley Pears and then converting from the spot.


Anis Mehmeti (for Twine, 72) - 7

It was a sign of the steps forward he’s made that he chose to close Hyam down and win the ball back when he could have settled for a corner. That decision then allowed him to cut into the box and score the third of the night.

Nahki Wells (for Conway, 72) - 8

Helped himself to two at the end as Blackburn had basically given up, blasting the ball home from 12 yards and then stabbing in a late finish. .

Harry Cornick (for Sykes, 72) - 7

Deserves huge credit for the late assist to set Wells up as he could easily have gone for himself.

Andy King (for Williams, 83) - N/A

Jamie Knight-Lebel (for McCrorie, 85) - N/A

Subs not used: Stefan Bajic, Matty James, Dire Mebude

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