Bristol Rovers receive largely positive response to planning application for new big screen

-Credit: (Image: Tom Sandberg/PPAUK)
-Credit: (Image: Tom Sandberg/PPAUK)

Bristol Rovers have received almost 100 public comments responding to their submission for planning permission to install a new big LED screen at the Memorial Stadium on the roof of the south-west stand next to their new South Stand with the vast majority supporting the proposal.

Bristol Live reported last month that Rovers had submitted a planning permission application to Bristol City Council to install a new screen having put their old one up for sale in May 2023 ahead of the redevelopment of the South Stand.

The 3,414-capacity stand has improved the matchday experience for supporters at the Mem and the Gas are looking to enhance that further via the installation of an LED display that can be used as a scoreboard, display team line-ups, highlights from matches and for advertising purposes.

Although some have objected to the proposal, a significant majority of public comments have been in support with the count at the time of writing standing at 73 comments in support, 14 objections and four neutral verdicts with one comment not stating it's final verdict but the comments written clearly being in favour of the application.

Government guidance states that most planning applications should be decided within eight weeks meaning that a verdict from the council should be imminent with the application form submitted on April 22. However, there have been numerous examples in the past year where Bristol City Council have gone over this period. Ultimately though, initial public comments in response to the application have been mainly positive with 80 per cent of submissions so far supportive of the proposal.

Many supporters highlighted in their comments that such a screen is extremely common in modern stadiums and that the majority of other clubs in the Football League have some sort of LED screen that is used as a scoreboard. Last season, Rovers at times had to use the LED advertising boards down by the pitch to display the score line and time played which would occasionally be obstructed to some supporters in attendance by photographers.

One supporter wrote: "I am supportive of this as facilities at the Memorial Stadium need to be constantly improved. It seems to have a minimal impact on neighbours and improved facilities will bring more economic benefit to North Bristol," with another stating: "What a great idea for the people of Bristol. I would fully support this project that will benefit the people throughout the area!" A third even insisted that such a development is, "essential in a modern ground" and would "greatly enhance the ground."

The South Stand with a blue arrow indicating where the proposed screen would be installed -Credit:Getty Images
The South Stand with a blue arrow indicating where the proposed screen would be installed -Credit:Getty Images

Many comments in support made reference to the idea that the installation of a big screen wouldn't affect nearby neighbours in BS7 with one saying, "it will not interfere with any of the neighbours around the ground" and another highlighting that it "will have no impact on the surrounding properties whatsoever."

Amongst comments that objected to the proposal, the most common concerns regarded how the screen would impact light pollution and how big the screen would be and what it would look like from behind. with some suggestion that it would be an "eye sore."

The documents don't state how big the screen would be, with the dimensions of the previous one 8m x 4m, which was highlighted by many against the proposal with one comment saying: "This screen will add to the size of the newly-built stand, blocking more light, and be further eye sore.

"In the plans it does not mention the size, it does not mention what the back of the screen will look like for the residents. The newly built stands already stand out having been painted a blue - that doesn't even match the club's brand colours. This screen cannot be approved until more information is given showing what the screen will look like for the residents."

Another individual objecting to the application wrote: "The installation of a new LED screen comes with several concerns that should be addressed. Firstly, light pollution is already a cause for concern in Bristol. A new LED screen will only add to this, further impacting nightlife. The large structure that will hold the LED screen will be an eye sore, impacting the already spoiled scenery around the area.

"The size of the LED and elevation will disturb flying wildlife. I'm sure the club will plan to implement measures to prevent wildlife from nesting on the structure - this will further add to wildlife distressing the area."

Regarding neutral verdicts, one comment was repeated as two separate submissions which stated that in order to obtain their support, there would have to be a "written agreement of intended use of display - to be used no more than 30 minutes pre and post match, and turned off (emitting no light nor sound) outside these times."

Additionally, they wish to see the "closing out commitments and conditions of previous, retrospective planning permission, for new stand: specifically, planting of trees to replace those demolished as part of construction (still not planted); full clearance of waste/rubbish from strip of forested area at rear of south stand; implementation of a transport strategy that encourages less use of motor vehicles on match days."

A second neutral party listed concerns including "that the club is clearly renovating the whole stadium but no entire plan has been seen or discussed in detail" insisting that "there should be an entire plan submitted for planning and consultation for the whole project, not just one piece at a time, hoping that they can slowly increase the impact on the urban area without people noticing."

The third also highlighted the lack of clarity regarding what the structure will look like from the rear, essentially the view of neighbouring residents but did also add "I am pleased that the stadium is improving its facilities and wants to be a great place to come to and watch football, but development must follow due process."

In their letter to the council as part of the planning permission, Rovers' planning agents said: “There is a lack of technology infrastructure within the stadium – a large format stadium LED screen will enhance the supporter experience by providing an effective way of increasing supporter engagement during matches.

"It can also be used to deliver essential messages to the supporters. The new screen will be located above the south west stand, on a supporting platform that will act as the roof to the stand and which will also offer a new TV camera position.

"As such, the new structure will be located between the West Stand, which includes a mix of seating and terraces with a row of hospitality boxes, and the newly built South Stand. The LED screen will increase the total height of the south west stand, but the stand is located in excess of 35m from the nearest residential properties and the screen will be a discrete element in the overall view of the stadium.”

The club's hierarchy have publicly revealed their intentions to expand the Mem to around 16,000 in capacity by renovating the East Stand and Thatcher's End now that the South Stand has been completed. In an interview with local media at the end of last season, chairman Hussain AlSaeed stated that he was, at the time, hoping for plans for the next step of the stadium's redevelopment to be complete within around two weeks of that point (April 20) but insisted it would still be some time until those plans are shown to the public.