How do Bristol voters feel about the General Election result?

-Credit: (Image: Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)
-Credit: (Image: Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

For the first time in 14 years the UK has a Labour government. Keir Starmer is now the Prime Minister with a majority of 412 seats.

Labour were the big winners in Bristol and the wider West of England but the Green Party also did well, winning Bristol Central. Of the ten constituencies in our area, the Conservatives have been wiped off the map, with prominent Tories like Jacob Rees-Mogg, Liam Fox and John Penrose all beaten.

But what does this mean for people in Bristol and what changes are people hoping to see with the election of a Labour government nationally? We went to the streets to ask people what they think.

READ MORE: General Election results IN FULL for Bristol and wider West of England region

READ MORE: This is how far you have to drive from Bristol to find a Tory MP now

Marcus Sharry who is 39 and from Easton said that he hopes that Keir Starmer ‘will not be a warmonger like Tony Blair’. He also would like to see more investment in the local community and support for people to get into employment and controls on rent.

He said: “Let’s see what Mr Keir Starmer has to offer - is he going to be a warmongerer like Tony Blair or is he going to be for the people? I genuinely hope he can help the masses in the UK.

“The kids these days, especially in inner-city Bristol, need a bit of guidance, there needs to be more support in communities and training for people working in trades. For adults, there should be more affordable housing for people who don’t have a high income.”

Benjamin Dorling, who is 36 and lives in Eastville, said: “I’m really pleased with the outcome of the election and I hope to see substantial change in the housing crisis and the cost of living. I don’t think the Tories represent the interests of the working people at all so here’s hoping the next five years we’ll see substantial change.

“I’m happy with Bristol Central getting a Green MP, I would have liked to see the same in my constituency but I wanted to play my part in getting Labour in. It’s interesting to see how much voter count there has been for reform which highlights the fact that there are still people on the right of Conservatives and also how impactful the voter system is for smaller parties.”

Robert Cutts, 86, usually votes for the Liberal Democrats but voted for Labour this time because he wanted to see his local MP, Jack Lopresti voted out. He is pleased to see Conservative Brexiteers like Liz Truss and Jacob Rees-Mogg lose their seats but happy that Jeremy Hunt has kept his seat. He has always been a Lib-Dem and would have voted for them if he was living somewhere like Cheltenham.

He said: “It’s the second time that I voted Labour in my life. I hope the Labour government will hold to Green policies which are absolutely essential for the future of the country and the world.”

Meredy Avert-Traney, who is in her 40s, supports the Green Party but feels great about the election of a Labour government. She said: “I’d like to see more funding for the NHS and schools, everything the Labour Party used to promise, but who knows what they will actually deliver because they tend to be quite similar to the Tories these days.

“I think it’s great that Carla Denyer won in Bristol Central; the Green Party do a lot for the community. I'm glad they got in, let’s hope they can do something for change.”

Donna, who is 50, said she is happy to see the conservatives out of government but feels ‘ambivalent’ about the current Labour party. “People voted for Labour because they want the Tories out but what have they got to offer that’s going to be better?

“I think we need to have an honest discussion about Gaza, immigration and trans rights. Labour has thought too much about getting Tory voters than doing what is right and having a sensible, honest and intellectual conversation with the country.

“I’m delighted to see the Greens win in Bristol Central but I’m really worried about the rise of the right. It’s really depressing to live in a country where [the Greens] say, ‘let’s not mess up the world, we all share this space’ and you look at how many votes they get compared to Reform who say, ‘we don’t like immigrants’. There’s too much divisiveness but it’s different in reality when people meet face-to-face.”

Bahram Ehsas, who is a local business owner in Easton, said that he feels optimistic about the result. “I personally think that Labour want the best for people that are not as fortunate when it comes to financial abilities and I hope they take into account the struggle of small businesses and workers.

“We also need investment in the NHS and neighbourhoods like ours which are riddled with pot holes while richer neighbourhoods get all the investment,” added Bahram.