Britain set to bask in '30C heatwave' – but many are moaning about same thing

Victoria Square looking towards Birmingham Town Hall in Birmingham, United Kingdom. (photo by Mike Kemp/In PIctures via Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: In Pictures via Getty Images)

The UK is reportedly set to be hit by a 30C heatwave soon, but many Brits have been moaning about the weather.

According to social media, many many feel like they're caught between feeling 'muggy' and being rained on in the hot weather.

Brits have trooped to the internet to express their frustrations about the changing weather - whether it's wind, rain, snow, or even sunshine.

In recent weeks, people across the country have been irritated by fluctuating conditions one moment they're sweating from a perceived 'mugginess', and in the blink of an eye, they're drenched by sudden showers!

So, with our summer mood already shattered, it was only a matter of time before Reddit users let off some steam ahead of the looming 30C heatwave. One disgruntled user vented on the r/britishproblems forum about the unappealing mixture of warm and wet weather.

They aired their grievance about being caught between the devil and the deep sea too hot for a raincoat and too wet without one. One person's post read: "Just went to walk the dog. Starting p**sing it down five minutes after leaving the house so I put my 'breathable' waterproof on. Ended up wet and hot."

Their sentiment apparently echoes the views of many others who are equally disappointed with the current climate. More comments reflected the overall displeasure with the present meteorological state, with one person penning: "It's really muggy isn't it"

Another commenter chimed in: "Yep. To add to my woes I also got completely savaged by horse flies. They seem to like the weather." The original poster echoed this sentiment, labelling the annoying insects as the 'bane of their life'.

Yet another quipped: "Been an absolute sweaty mess all day. How does it feel so hot and cold all at the same time? " A third concluded: "Sometimes it's easier to just accept getting wet and change clothes."

A further Reddit user gave a helpful tip, writing: "May I suggest to you the humble, yet misunderstood, umbrella? " An idea that was met with scoffs given the current wind conditions.

"What? In this wind?," questioned one user, while another added: "Umbrellas are for a mostly fictional situation where it rains without an accompanying gale. This only happens in a Hollywood sound stage version of the UK, with the red phone boxes and guys with bowler hats. But people keep buying them."

According to WXcharts, temperature maps over the UK are turning shades of vibrant red as temperatures are predicted to rise by 10 degrees on Sunday, 21 July. A recently arrived high-pressure system has brought heatwave conditions over from mainland Europe, bringing an end to the prolonged period of dismal rainy weather.

The southeast regions can expect the highest temperatures, reaching up to 26C, with areas as far north as Humberside expecting peaks of 24C. Temperature readings for the extreme north and west are forecasted between 18C and 20C.

Following Exacta Weather's James Madden's prediction that Brits in some parts of the UK should "get the barbecues ready" soon, as temperatures could soar above 35C.

He stated: "Get the barbecues at the ready, as a big change and some big heat are now set to arrive on cue! The expected and well-promised pattern change for July 1020, particularly July 1517, is now on and imminent for some very hot to potentially extreme heat, which is now on the horizon for many parts of the country within the next several days."