Britain's richest man is from Preston, and he's so secretive his own receptionist doesn't know who he is

Michael Platt's co-founded BlueCrest Capital Management
Michael Platt's co-founded BlueCrest Capital Management -Credit:LinkedIn

Britain's richest man is from Preston, and he's so secretive that even his own receptionist doesn't know who he is - allegedly.

Michael Platt is worth a cool £14.3bn. Born just outside the city, his company BlueCrest Capital Management has seen him pip the likes of James Dyson, INEOS owner and Manchester United major shareholder Sir Jim Ratcliffe and other big names to the position as the wealthiest man on our shores.

Despite this, as the Daily Mail reports, many haven't even heard of him including some of his own staff. The title reported the receptionist in the skyscraper in Victoria that houses his company hasn't heard of the man in charge.

In his own words - after being recorded by a New York taxi driver - he is "the highest-earning person in the world of finance", he guards his privacy staunchly. He and BlueCrest co-founder William Reeves refused flat out to be photographed when the Times did a piece on them after they floated the company in 2006.


"They guard their privacy fiercely and detest their regular appearances in newspaper rich lists," financial editor Patrick Hosking wrote.

Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win states that he is from a working class background on the outskirts of Preston, in old semi-detatched house built in the 1930s.

The receptionist in the skyscraper in Victoria that houses his company hasn't heard of the man in charge
Platt guards his privacy staunchly -Credit:Bloomberg

His father was a lecturer in civil engineering at Manchester University. The Mail reported that aged 12, he would visit his grandmother, who taught him how to trade in shares. He invested a £500 birthday gift from her that quickly tripled in price.

He read mathematics and economics at the London School of Economics and made up to £30,000 as an undergraduate through investing.

J.P. Morgan hired him as a trainee in New York after he graduated and he was soon a managing director in London.

BlueCrest Capital was established in 2000 and asked what type of trader he likes to hire by the author of Hedge Fund Market Wizards, Jack Schwager, Platt said: "I look for the type of guy in London who gets up at seven o'clock on Sunday morning when his kids are still in bed and logs on to a poker site so he can pick off the US drunks coming home on Saturday night...that's the type of guy you want, someone who understands an edge."

Platt has donated at least £225,000 to the Conservative party, the Mail reported.

Platt's son Marcus, who is in his mid-20s, has recently joined BlueCrest. Platt proudly posted on LinkedIn: "You deserve this new opportunity. I wish you the best of luck but I don't expect you will need luck!"