British expat in Australia 'wouldn't have moved' if she'd been warned about 'issue'

When Faye was travelling the Outback region of Western Australia, she was shocked when she realised one thing would not leave her alone
When Faye was travelling the Outback region of Western Australia, she was shocked when she realised one thing would not leave her alone -Credit:@fayebaye/Instagram

A British expat has candidly shared her experiences of life in Australia, highlighting a 'relentless' issue that almost drove her back to the UK.

Australia often tops the bucket list for many adventurers and those looking to soak up the sun in a land famed for its breathtaking landscapes, pristine beaches, and exotic wildlife. However, one Brit has spoken out about an aspect of Aussie life that's not commonly discussed.

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Faye, who relocated to work in a secluded part of Western Australia, expressed regret, saying she "would never have come" had she known about the daily battle with insects. She revealed that she now resorts to wearing a face net to fend off the persistent flies that swarm around her.

"They won't give you a break," she lamented.

Issuing a cautionary message to fellow globetrotters on her TikTok account @fayebayee, Faye said: "Everyone says do a working holiday visa or move to Australia, go travel there it's the best thing you'll ever do. And you know, when I said I was going to do it, everyone's like 'you know be careful of the spiders, the snakes, the crocodiles, the sharks, the kangaroos they will be nice and the koalas - oh isn't that going to be cute'.", reports the Mirror.

"Do you know what nobody f***ing talks about the f***ing flies. I've talked about them and I am going to keep talking about them but nobody warned me about this."

She continued: "I probably wouldn't have come if I knew that this was a reality. I am in Karijini National Park - it's absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful places in Australia that I've seen. But this is the reality. I have to wear this net over my head because they will not stop."

Numerous people commented on Faye's video clip, echoing her sentiments. A common response was simply: "Flies in Australia are the worst! Even the cities. Unbearable."

Another commenter confessed: "As an Aussie, I was severely unprepared for how bad the flies are in the outback."

Additionally, a friendly tip was given to Faye: "Our Australian flies love to welcome non Australians into the country...if you eat a large spoon of Vegemite the flies will leave you alone! ".

"I was born and raised here and the flies drive me insane," shared one local resident. Helpfully, another made a suggestion on how to deal with these pests: "Make yourself a lotion bar with peppermint, citronella and rosemary oils. Trust me. When I go camping I'm never bothered or bit."

Others suggested Faye should invest in a cork hat to deter the flies.