British Gas, Octopus and other energy customers are urged not to use dishwashers and ovens this Sunday

There is help available for people who can't pay their bills
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Major energy suppliers including British Gas, OVO, Octopus Energy, EDF and E. On are advising customers to refrain from using high power appliances such as dishwashers or ovens this Sunday.

This advice comes in light of a change in the price cap by Ofgem set for Monday, July 1, which will result in a seven percent reduction in annual bills - equivalent to £118 for the average household. As a result, those on standard variable tariffs will see an immediate 7 percent decrease in their daily usage bills.

Since the drop is confirmed to take effect at 00.01am on Monday, it would be beneficial to shift any high energy consumption planned for Sunday to Monday if possible. While not all energy use can be postponed, most households should manage to delay using the dishwasher or oven for a day to save money.

The larger the appliance, the greater the savings - charging an electric vehicle will be significantly cheaper on Monday unless you have a specific cheap Sunday EV tariff or you're on an agile tracker offering lower Sunday rates. From Monday morning, everything from making tea to cooking a meal will be 7 percent cheaper, so it's advisable to postpone as much energy use as possible over the weekend.

It may also be worth considering a cheaper fix soon, as the best deals are quickly disappearing, reports the Express, reports Yorkshire Live.

At present, there are energy fixes promising to undercut the July 1 price cap by 3-5 percent. However, these are expected to disappear as energy prices are forecasted to surge by roughly 12 percent in October.