British Gas, OVO, EDF, Octopus warned over £131 charge for making TV mistake

Energy customers risk a £130 charge over a series of appliance errors - including leaving a TV on standby. Households who keep appliances on standby have been warned they could be adding £130 to their British Gas, OVO, EDF, Eon and Octopus bills.

Stephen Hankinson, energy efficiency expert at Electric Radiators Direct explains: “Putting something into standby mode is not the same as totally switching off a device or unplugging it. You’re only really putting the device to sleep.

“This means that it will be drawing down some electricity in the background, which is where the phrase ‘vampire device’ comes from.” Electric Radiators Direct says unplugging 20 common appliances when they aren’t in use could save yourself as much as £131.

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Stephen added: “It’s so simple but switching your appliances off at the wall really is the best way to ensure you’re not spending your hard-earned income on keeping things in standby mode. £130 is a big food shop, two tanks of petrol or even a nice meal out.

"There really are much better ways to use this money than giving it to the energy companies.” A kettle can save £4.94 while a microwave can save £4.72, an oven - £7.73, air Fryer - £3.86, washing Machine - £1.14, a tumble dryer - £1.14 saving, a dishwasher - a £1.14 saving, a single lamp - £1.01 and Electric Hob - £0.58 saving.

Other savings include Slow Cooker - £3.86, Coffee Machine - a £1.93 saving, Phone Charger - a £1.14 saving and Electric Toothbrush Charger - £1.44 saving as well as Electric Shaver - £1.03 saving, Vacuum Charger - a £1.44 saving, TV - £13.52 saving, Games Console - £32.19 saving, Gaming PC - £20.82 saving, Desktop Computer - a £18.03 saving, Speaker / Digital Radio - a £9.44 saving.